Tara, 29, Describes Life in the Shenango Valley as a Bisexual Woman #AMPLIFY

Mercer County Bisexual

“[After 9th grade concert] Once we got home, my tears had turned to anger. I ended up slamming every door I touched, kicked off my shoes so hard they hit the wall, and told my mom I hated her. She got in my face, and my dad stepped in. He sent my little brother to his room before I recalled what happened at the school. He sighed, but didn’t say anything. He was a man of few words. After a few minutes of me blubbering, trying to calm down, the three of us went to the kitchen table to talk.
I remember my dad sitting across from me and my mom sitting to my right at our tiny cramped kitchen table. I don’t remember the specifics of conversation, mostly because I blocked it out, but in a nutshell, they told me homosexuality was wrong and I was going to Hell if I continued liking girls. I fidgeted with a leftover napkin as I told them I loved Z. We were best friends. I said I was bisexual, not homosexual, hoping that might somehow make it better. It didn’t. I was still damned just the same.

In the weeks following my admission, my parents forced me to start counseling.”

#AMPLIFY and LGBT History Month

LGBT History Month Pittsburgh

We want to keep growing and we especially want to begin offering audio recording options to conduct interviews with community elders as well as others who have limited access to the Internet. We have connected with a lesbian owned transcription service based in Johnstown, PA, but it will still cost $125-250 per interview. That’s one reason we ask people to try to use the online form if possible.

During October, we are again crowdfunding for the project – we hope to raise $3,000 so we can schedule the audio sessions throughout the winter. The funds will be used to set up “AMPLIFY Info” sessions in the outlying counties so we can meet people & encourage them to participate as well as to set up the actual recording times. And, of course, pay for the transcription.

We’ve been invited to New Castle (Lawrence County), Johnstown (Cambria County), Bradford (McKean County), as well as Armstrong, Beaver, Butler and Clearfield counties. If you need a little encouragement, consider this story from Melanie (a Trump supporter) who lives in Washington County.

Caitlyn, 51, Lives Her Authentic Self as a Trans Woman in Erie #AMPLIFY

transgender Erie Pennsylvania

  Name: Caitlyn Strohmeyer Age: 51 County of Residence: Erie Preferred Pronouns: She/Her/Hers How do you describe your identity? Woman/transwoman/transfeminine Please describe your coming out experience. Where did you find support? What challenges did you face? My first memory of wishing I had been born a girl was when I was around 5 years old. When I was in the first […]

City of Pgh Accepting Applications for LGBTQIA Advisory Committee

Mayor Bill Peduto is looking for applicants to serve on the soon to be re-established advisory group. Participants will meet monthly and serve on at least one subcommittee. Applicants must submit their information via an online form; the City has partnered with multiple community groups to allow individuals access to the application even if you […]

Jessica, 28, Is Resisting Bisexual Erasure in Pgh #AMPLIFY

Name: Jessica Age: 28 County of Residence: Allegheny, formerly Erie Preferred Pronouns: she, her, hers How do you describe your identity? I’m a white, cisgender, bisexual woman. Please describe your coming out experience. Where did you find support? What challenges did you face? I feel like I don’t have a real “coming out” experience, because for years, on and off […]

Cheryl, 42, Wants Us To See Everyone in the LGBTQ Community #AMPLIFY

lesbian allegheny county

Name: Cheryl Age:  42 County of Residence: Allegheny, Blair Preferred Pronouns: She/Her How do you describe your identity? I am two spirited. Please describe your coming out experience. Where did you find support? What challenges did you face? I came out in college. My friends were supportive but it was a Catholic college and there weren’t any out staff. I […]

Bill, 52, is a Gay Man Living in a Small Town in Cambria County #AMPLIFY

Gay Cambria County

  Name: Bill Age:  52 County of Residence: Cambria, formerly Indiana Preferred Pronouns: he, him How do you describe your identity? A white gay man who is not butch or fem. Please describe your coming out experience. Where did you find support? What challenges did you face? I never formally came out to most family members. Over time it became […]

Maybe I Underestimated Rich Fitzgerald on LGBTQ Issues

Rich Fitzgerald gay

I’ve been disappointed with Rich Fitzgerald. He’s not especially progressive and his antics with Chelsa Wagner are exasperating. Worst of all, he made the decision to strip County employees of their domestic partner benefits after the Supreme Court decision recognizing marriage equality – a truly terrible and regressive policy decision. It one of the single […]

Lisa Believes Being Out and Honest is ‘Like Flying’ #AMPLIFY

lesbian washington county

Name: Lisa Age: 34 County of Residence: Washington Preferred Pronouns: Feminine pronouns. She, her, etc. How do you describe your identity? White, female, lesbian Please describe your coming out experience. Where did you find support? What challenges did you face? I came out at 31 and I was married to a man at the time. I faced so much ridicule and […]

Pixie, 26, is Androgynous, Non-binary, Genderqueer and Lesbian, But Identifies as Pixie #AMPLIFY

Fayette County lesbian

Name: Pixie Colbert Age: 26 County of Residence:  Allegheny, grew up in Fayette County Preferred Pronouns: She/Her/They/Them How do you describe your identity? I am a strong-willed, sweet hearted, intelligent, extroverted introvert, androgynous, non-binary, genderqueer, lesbian. I perform drag as Mr. Ace Phoenix. I am not a fan of labels. Period. I feel I can identify as a lot […]