Worthington Man Behind Racist Messages Plans to Erect Two Additional Billboards in Armstrong County

Worthington Armstrong County racism

Last week, the Kittanning Leader Times ran a comprehensive article on the racist billboards posted along State Route 422 in Worthington Borough. The article is behind a paywall so if you’d like to read it, you will need to invest either $2.99 for a days access or $20 for a month. The reporter, Jon Andreassi, […]

The Future of #FishFryFriday in the post Grand Jury Report era of Catholicism

For the past five years, I’ve hosted a (semi) regular feature on my blog – Fish Fry Fridays. This series of blog features me and Ledcat visiting area fish fries and writing up reviews. Here’s how it works. We visit a different fish fry each week. The location is determined first by proximity to the […]

‘Take your blog and get the hell out of our town’ – Some Folx from Worthington, Armstrong County Are Not Happy With Me

Dame Judi Dench

Content Note: racism, bigotry, rape culture Please click the links for the backstory. In mid-February, I posted about racist fear-mongering billboard content on an electronic billboard in Worthington Borough, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania. Along with describing the billboards, I shared 11 suggestions for getting involved to resist this messaging. A few days later, the billboard’s lessee […]

Update on the Cat Food Drive: Part One

Cat Food Drive Pittsburgh

So our launch was a little rocky thanks to some shenanigans involving my webservers. I hope that’s been addressed, but just in case – I’ve created a FB event and will do my best to update both on a regular basis. A big shipment was donated via the Amazon wishlist and has already been distributed […]

Seeking Candidates Interested in Our LGBTQ Political Q&A

Political Q&A

Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents blog has been following local, statewide, and federal politics from our earliest days in 2005. Over the past few years, we’ve amped up our campaign coverage with a new “Candidate Q&A” feature highlighting candidates on all levels of government. I invite you to take a look at our 2018 primary Q&A series […]

Ride Like The Wind

Windstorm Pets

That was some kind of windstorm. Our inconveniences were relatively mild. Our electricity went out around 9:30 PM Sunday evening, literally as Bette Midler was performing Where the Lost Things Go on the Oscar broadcast. We decided to head up to bed and also to round-up the critters to be contained in our bedroom with […]

Q&A With Butler Native & Playwright Sarah Kosar About American Debut of ‘Mumburger’ at Carnegie Stage

Mumburger Pittsburgh

Tiffany in Mumburger is gay but it’s not something that is discussed as an issue in her relationship with her parents because it isn’t an issue. It’s a part of her but it’s not the thing that defines her in her life or her story in the play. The more we see LGBTQ people having […]

Ten Years Later: Looking Back at the 2009 Steel City Stonewall Democrats Endorsement Meeting

Steel City Stonewall Democrats Endorsement 2019

I’m resharing/reposting this post from exactly ten years ago – my summary of the 2009 Steel City Stonewall Democrats endorsement meeting. I’ve included the comments. You might notice a similarity with the modern incarnation of progressive Dems – both candidates and activists (and commenters). And the criticisms that I’m irrelevant, self-serving, and demanding as well […]

Facing Complex Trauma as an Adult

Trauma Informed Care Persad Center

I’ve blogged in the past about my journey living with mental health diagnoses and trying to access resources for support. For many years, I’ve been dealing with the dual diagnoses of a major mood disorder and anxiety disorders. And I’ve referenced growing up in a neglectful family surrounded by addiction, untreated mental health issues, chaos, […]

Fight White Supremacy; Google ‘Dennis Mowrey’

Do you remember in July 2015 when a local gay white cis man was harassing two of the Roots Pride organizers (a Black woman, Joy KMT, and a Black trans man, Michael David Battle) with fake profiles, nasty comments, etc? Joy was direct with identifying and calling out this man’s very bad behavior. She and […]