Dani Janae, 23, Identifies as a Black Femme Lesbian Poet & Trauma Survivor #AMPLIFY

Allegheny County lesbian

Name: Dani Janae Age: 23 County of Residence:  Allegheny, attended college in Crawford County Preferred Pronouns: she/her How do you describe your identity? I identify as a black femme lesbian, poet, trauma survivor. Please describe your coming out experience. Where did you find support? What challenges did you face? My coming out process was gradual. I started by self-identifying as […]

For Jodi’s Kids, Having Two Mothers Is Just a Fact of Life #AMPLIFY

Jodi same sex Allegheny County

  Name:  Jodi Hirsh Age: 40 County of Residence:  Allegheny Preferred Pronouns: she/her How do you describe your identity? I’m a white jewish woman in a long-term same sex relationship who is the parent of two kids under 7. I’m very sleepy most of the time. Please describe your coming out experience. Where did you find support? What […]

Char, 62, is a ‘Very Late Bloomer’ Lesbian in Cambria County #AMPLIFY

  Name: Char Age:  62 County of Residence:  Cambria. Lived in Somerset County during my childhood, until age 21. Preferred Pronouns: She/her How do you describe your identity? Female, woman, lesbian, gay Please describe your coming out experience. Where did you find support? What challenges did you face? I came out after being in a heterosexual marriage for close to […]

John, 38, Is a Johnstown Based LGBTQ Activist #AMPLIFY

Johnstown Gay

John has the distinction of being the 100th person profiled in this series since May 2015. Thank you, John. Name: John DeBartola Age: 38 County of Residence: I hail from New Jersey. I lived in Susquehanna County, PA when I was finishing high school. I have lived in Cambria County, PA and the surrounding area since 1995. Preferred […]

Joe Was Dragged Out of The Closet As A Young Man #AMPLIFY

Name: Joe Age: 36 County of Residence:  Allegheny Preferred Pronouns: He How do you describe your identity? Gay male.  Please describe your coming out experience. Where did you find support? What challenges did you face? Everyone has a different story but for me, I was sort of dragged out of the closet as a young man. I think people […]

Alyssa is First Generation Cuban American, Trans, Gender-Nonconforming and From Beaver County #AMPLIFY

trans gender nonconforming Beaver county

Name:  Alyssa Age: 26 County of Residence: Beaver is where I grew up. I also lived in Allegheny County. I currently Live in Chicago,IL Preferred Pronouns: They/Them How do you describe your identity? I am a first generation Cuban American. I am Trans Gender-Nonconforming. Please describe your coming out experience. Where did you find support? What challenges did you […]

As a Lesbian, Shelly Values Her Ties To Rural Indiana County #AMPLIFY

Indiana County Lesbian

Name: Shelly Age: 33 County of Residence:  Indiana, previously Butler Preferred Pronouns: She, her How do you describe your identity? I am female, and I feel feminine on the inside. I identify as lesbian, gay, or queer. My outward presentation is much more masculine. I do not feel comfortable in female clothing and prefer to wear men’s clothing. I […]

What Question Should I Have Asked? #AMPLIFY

Pink House

Finally, what question should I have asked?  This is one of my favorite questions in the #AMPLIFY survey. I have used this information to modify the questions as the project has unfolded. As I look over the responses now to consider how to incorporate even more suggestions in to the survey, I thought I would […]

Walter Wants Western PA To Be More Vibrant, Tolerant and Diverse #AMPLIFY

Name: Walter Meyer Age: 52 County of Residence: I was born and raised in Allegheny County and spent time in Centre County while I was at Penn State, and then a year in Somerset County. Since then it has been Los Angeles and San Diego Counties in California. Preferred Pronouns: he, his, him How do you describe your identity? I […]