My (Most Recent) Trauma Timeline and Losing My Voice

In the spring, I was assigned to a new therapist who practices “trauma informed” therapy. It was time to work on some of the deep, dark stuff that I had been dancing around for years and began to really acknowledge just in the six months prior. I was still recovering from the hysterectomy and hadn’t […]

Q&A with Brittney Chantele About Working on the Score for City Theatre’s ‘Pipeline’

Pipeline Pittsburgh

This is a slightly different version of our artist Q&A. We wanted to learn more about the production of Pipeline currently on-stage at City Theatre. This play by Dominique Morisseau is a breathtaking endeavor, exploring the school-to-prison pipeline through the story on one young man and his mother. When I learned that 1Hood Media Academy […]

‘Cause everybody hurts Take comfort in your friends

Jeremy Shaffer Twists Synagogue Shooting to Support His Campaign

Earlier this year, I wrote about Jeremy Shaffer’s shenanigans in trying to avoid going on the reord about LGBTQ issues. He’s a crafty one. He’s a man of faith, but doesn’t specify the name of his congregation. His kids are home-schooled and attend private Christian school, but he won’t go on the record about public […]

The Capitol Steps Return to Pittsburgh: Q&A with Piano Accompanist Howard Breitbart

Election Eve in Pittsburgh has a special guest this year – the Capitol Steps, Mon, Nov 5, 2018, 7:30pm at The Byham.  I’ve never seen a performance but I have listened many, many times to their NPR holiday shows. If you love satire and political humor, this might be the show for you. More than 30 […]

Daryl Metcalfe Gay Bashes Dan Smith Jr’s Husband #Midterms2018

Daryl Metcalfe anti-LGBTQ

For almost 20 years, Daryl Metcalfe has been employed by the residents of the 12th State House District of Pennsylvania to represent them in the PA General Assembly. He has amassed quite an impressive record of obstructionist, racist hate and not so much a record of effectively working with his district leaders to address issues […]

Transgender and LGBQ Community Take Action at Allegheny County Jail; Met With Pittsburgh Police in Riot Gear

Allegheny County Jail Transgender

Thursday evening, dozens of activists gathered outside the Allegheny County Jail to address the poor treatment of transgender inmates, particularly transgender women. Brought together by SisTers Pgh and BlaQK OPS, protestors maintained a presence along Second Avenue. Police responded in riot gear. Of course they did. That same evening, the District Attorney was all over […]

Jodi Hirsh: “I started this fundraiser as a response to the terrible actions of the federal government. And people stepped up in a massive way.”

On October 21, 2018, a friend of mine named Jodi Hirsh decided to use the Facebook birthday fundraiser tool to resist the announcement by the Federal Government that they plan to roll back acknowledgements of gender identity. She chose the Transgender Law Center as the recipient. She wrote “I wasn’t going to do one of […]

Pittsburgh Public School Board Votes Unanimously to Disaffiliate with Pittsburgh Marathon Over Chick-fil-A Sponsorship

Tonight, the entire School Board voted unanimously in favor of a resolution that disavows the sponsorship role of Chick-fil-A in the Pittsburgh Marathon. This means no Pittsburgh public school will officially participate in marathon activities or the Kids of Steel year round programming. No employee can participate in an official capacity. And no one will […]