Paul, 61, Marched in Pittsburgh’s First Gay Pride March in 1973 #AMPLIFY

Paul Ellis Pittsburgh

Note: Paul was part of a USA Today story about Gay Pride which is how I learned about his role in a significant moment in Pittsburgh’s LGBTQ history – the 1973 Gay Pride March. Paul Ellis has seen a lot of Gay Pride parades. He marched in Pittsburgh’s first one in 1973 with just 40 other […]

Mamma Mia, Here We Go Again: Further Adventures in Being in Cat Ladies

Feral cats Pittsburgh

We did it. After seven weeks, we finally (re)trapped our feral/homeless female cat, Mamma Mia, and reunited her with her female bonded companion, Maylee. They are both in our second bedroom with access to food & water, comfortable temperatures, and no fears of being hit by a car, attacked by another animal, etc. They are […]

Occasional Ask for Donations

Occasional Ask for Donations

Remember, my blog is not a source of income. No one covers my expenses to do all this thinking and ask these questions except me (and Ledcat). So if you are feeling the impact of the work we do, you can chip in to help us continue. You can donate directly to AMPLIFY or the […]

Anger & Disappointment: Statements From People Who Attended the Meeting with Turahn Jenkins

The compiled public statements from multiple LGBTQ folks and allies who attended the meeting Friday afternoon with candidate for District Attorney Turahn Jenkins. You can read my summary of the meeting in this post. Here I am simply signal boosting the words of the individuals who were part of the meeting. I do not have […]

Jenkins Campaign Gaslights Trans Women, Black Trans Women in Defense of His Anti-LGBTQ Beliefs

Turahn Jenkins Homophobic

Sunday morning in Pittsburgh. Candidate for Allegheny County District attorney Turahn Jenkins gaslights trans women of color in particular for the ‘social media reports of my faith equating to a bias or phobia.’  This is his response to reports out of the meeting he held with LGBTQ folks on Friday. The Christian faith community he chose, in […]

Allegheny County DA Candidate Turahn Jenkins Says LGBTQ People are Sinful

This afternoon, candidate Turahn Jenkins met with representatives from the LGBTQ community to discuss concerns about his affiliation with a church that has a stated belief that homosexuality is sinful. These concerns were part of a dialogue that took place earlier in the week on my Facebook timeline. I’ve confirmed with four sources that Mr. […]

Why Campaign Staff & Supporters Have to Ask Hard Questions About Religious Liberty and LGBTQ Identity

Note: I wrote this yesterday (Thursday) and was waiting to hear a report out from today’s meeting between candidate for DA Turahn Jenkins & LGBTQ community members before posting. That meeting took place. I will report what I learn in another post. ~ Sue One pressing question for me at this moment in time, in […]

Blog, #AMPLIFY and Sue Featured in Northside Chronicle

I’m going super-meta here, blogging about the interview I gave to a local reporter for The Northside Chronicle. When Sarah Gross contacted me via email to request an interview, it was near Pride and I was immediately skeptical. I had turned down a half-dozen requests to talk – yet again – about the Delta Foundation, […]

Pat Benatar Rocks My Favorite Independence Day Song

Pat Benatar Martina McBride

A new-to-me version of one of the best songs, this time featuring Pat Benatar singing with Martina McBride from 2003. In Pat Benatar’s hands, I really noticed the lyric “Let the right be wrong’” which can sometimes sound like “Let the hurt be wrong” but Pat really hits that phrasing. And I need that. We […]

Is The Fourth of July the Perfect Holiday?

Perfect 4th of July

I have a half-dozen blog posts started, but lack the energy and attention to detail necessary to complete and publish that content. But I feel like lack of posting, this lag, each time I glance at the blog. So here goes something. I remember quite vividly as a child that the 4th of July would […]