Thursday Marriage Equality Round-Up (and More)

To help you stay current: The judge for the federal lawsuit has been named (via the PG) Profiles of some of the local couples involved in the lawsuit (via the PG) has a story, too. The background story (and quotes from me!) via the PG A nice profile of one of the couples involve […]

ACLU Files Federal Lawsuit for Marriage Equality in Pennsylvania

By now, you’ve probably heard the big news – the ACLU has filed suit in federal court on behalf of 11 plaintiffs, challenging the constitutionality of the Pennsylvania DOMA. Six of the plaintiffs are PA couples who cannot marry in their state of residence and 5 are couples or individuals who married out of state […]

Happy Marriage Equality to Delaware!

We are spending a week in Delaware with some friends and have the joy to be here on the first day for marriage equality. Marriage equality is legal in Delaware today. “State Sen. Karen Peterson and her partner Vikki Bandy signed the marriage certificate to become the first legally married same-sex couple in the state.” […]

Marriage Equality: A View From Pittsburgh

Ten years ago this very month, I went to a planning session at the Gay & Lesbian Community Center of Pittsburgh to learn about a women’s discussion group. At that meeting, I struck up a conversation with another woman. We talked about our cats and the fact that we had both recently become home owners. Fast […]

Pgh Interfaith Prayer Vigil Set for SCOTUS Decisions on Marriage Equality

Rev. Janet McCune Edwards, PhD invites you to join her in a prayer vigil next week. Upon the Supreme Court Decision on Marriage (or Not)  Interfaith Prayer Vigil Wednesday, June 26, 2013 7 pm Sixth Presbyterian Church 1688 Murray Ave. in Squirrel Hill Unless an exception is made, the Supreme Court of the United States […]

Delaware Offers Marriage Equality While PA Introduces “Marriage Protection” Amendment

Good job Delaware. I’m glad I’ll be spending a few days there this summer and promise to spend money! Meanwhile here in Pennsylvania, State Representative Daryl Metcalfe is caught up in the “let’s go back in time” Western PA groove and has introduced ANOTHER bill that would define marriage in our Constitution. It is  HB […]

Video: All the sights, sounds and emotions of the Marriage Equality Rally

Video: All the sights, sounds and emotions of the Marriage Equality Rally

Via the fabulous Mark S. King of My Fabulous Disease … impressive he had this together and posted so quickly!

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Tonight – Rev Janet Edwards Leads Interfaith Worship Service “Lifting Up Marriage Equality With Prayer

Tonight – Rev Janet Edwards Leads Interfaith Worship Service “Lifting Up Marriage Equality With Prayer

“I am certain one theme in the Monday night event will be that whatever the SCOTUS does will be only a point on the arc of justice and definitely not the end point.” Tonight, an Interfaith prayer service will take place at the First United Methodist Church, 7 PM. (Aiken and Centre in Shadyside.) Worship […]

Theater Sans Serif Presents 8: Or The Fight For Marriage Equality

Friday evening only, local company Theater Sans Serif will offer a staged reading of Dustin Lance Black’s “8”  This script, based upon the real life events surrounding the testing if Proposition 8 is Constitutional. This proposition called for California to disallow gay marriage. This fundamental right is being denied to our LGBT brothers and sisters, […]