Touching Base

I haven’t blogged much of late. Still in recovery mode, what I amusing refer to as #hysterecovery – well, amusing to me. My health is okay. I have one of two little possible sources of problems that I have to manage. I drove today for the first time, 1.6 miles to be exact. I couldn’t […]

Pittsburgh Cultural Trust Presents Autism-Friendly ‘Wicked’: Q&A with Director of Accessibility Vanessa Braun

Wicked is a  piece of art that should be able to be enjoyed by everyone. The Pittsburgh Cultural Trust presents the autism-friendly  performance of WICKED on Saturday, February 3, 2018, at 2:00 p.m., at the Benedum Center, as a part of its national Broadway tour.  Pittsburgh will be the first city outside of New York to offer WICKED in this form. For this autism-friendly  performance […]

Hysterectomy Recovery Update Number Something

lesbian hysterectomy

This morning, Ledcat dragged me out of bed at some ungodly hour for my post-operative check up with my surgeon, Dr. Lee Hammons. The good news is that the news is good. My unexpected trip to the ER this Saturday produced a CT scan, bloodwork and more data for this visit. I’m healing. I don’t […]

Is This Blog The Key to Amazon Choosing Pittsburgh?

Yesterday, I received an email inviting me to set up an Amazon Influencer page via my Twitter account (@Pghlesbian24) which apparently is pretty sexy with all of you 7,430 followers. You know who you are. <wink emoji> This is my full disclosure. So I now have my own page where I recommend items that I […]

Happy 9th Gotcha Day Coco Kitty

Nine years ago, we took in a stray Siamese kitten (abt 6 months) for a few days. One flutter of those baby blue eyes against the blue rug in the bathroom and we were goners. Three days later, she was jumping on the kitchen cabinets and kneeding the dogs backs to make her napping spot. […]

Almost Time for Fish Fry Fridays 2018

Just three weeks to get myself healed up enough to hit the fish fry circuit. Lent begins on Wednesday, February 14, 2018 and continues through Holy Thursday on Thursday, March 29, 2018. That’s six Fridays plus Good Friday and Shrove Tuesday. Here’s how it works. We visit a different fish fry each week. The location […]

Outstanding Blog Category Tribute Video

My friend and co-nominee Mark S. King made a lovely tribute video announcing the nominees in the 29th Annual GLAAD Media Awards  

Hysterectomy Update: Now knowing what to ask about our bodies is how we end up losing ground with our own bodies

lesbian hysterectomy

It has been 11 days since my surgery. Most of those days have been filled with resting, walking around the house, resting, making sure that I eat, and reminding myself not to pick up a cat or dog. Our weather has been horrible so taking an outside walk was not an option, especially since my […]

We are a Finalist for ‘Outstanding Blog’ in 29th Annual GLAAD Media Awards

This is really an honor and a testament to what the team across the board at this blog has accomplished over the past 12 years. We’ve been named as one of five finalists in the ‘Outstanding Blog’ category for 29th Annual GLAAD Media Awards. The GLAAD Media Awards honor media for their fair, accurate, and […]