Pizza Milano and the Post-Gazette: Anti-Blackness in Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh Pizza Milano

I’ve been a little off the grid this past week. Of course, I’ve been paying attention to critical stories unfolding in Pittsburgh this week. These are stories I’ve been sharing via social media and would normally blog about. Front and center are the stories about the assault of Jade Martin by employees at Pizza Milano […]

Updates in Murders of Trans Women Christa Leigh Steele-Knudslien & Viccky Gutierrez

We aren’t half way through the first month of 2018, but have already reported on violent murders of two transgender women.  Christa Leigh Steele-Knudslien, 42, was killed in Massachusetts on Jan. 4, 2018.  On Wednesday, January 10, the body Viccky Gutierrez was found burned in a building in South Los Angeles. Christa was murdered by her […]

Here’s How My Hysterectomy Went

lesbian hysterectomy

Let me start by clarifying that my procedure was relatively smooth and I’m hitting all of the recovery benchmarks. That being said, what a day! We arrived at the hospital at 8:50 on the nose for my 10:50 surgery. They gave me something in my fluids and I was drifting in and out for a […]

Viccky Gutierrez Is the Second Trans Person Reported Murdered in 2018

Friends and family report that Viccky Gutierrez, 33, is the second known victim of homicide in the US during 2018. Wednesday evening, Bamby Salcedo, President & CEO of TransLatin@ Coalition, announced in a Facebook post the death of Viccky Gutierrez: “It is with deep sadness, rage and pain that I have to share with all of you […]

Closed for Hysterectomy

I’m off for my surgery this week. I may blog during recovery or may not. Check in with me on Facebook if you like. I’ll be back on Twitter, too. I had to take a preoperative medication so I don’t really feel anxious right now. But send some healing energy or prayers or good wishes […]

Donate Girl Scout Cookies to Local LGBTQ Youth Projects

This is one of my favorite projects each year – my friend is 14 and she is a Girl Scout. She and her Mom have been selling cookies for many years. For the past several, they accept orders for cookies to be donated to local LGBTQ organizations that work with youth.  She has lots of […]

How to Help a Lesbian Have a Hysterectomy 

lesbian hysterectomy

A lot of folks have been asking how to be helpful when I have surgery and recuperate. This is a one-stop response. By no means do I expect anyone to do these things, but it is my nature to try to be efficient with words. I know folks have been calling Ledcat to make arrangements. […]

RIP Christa Leigh Steele-Knudslien, 42, First Trans Woman Murdered in 2018


A 42-year-old in the town of North Adams, Massachusetts is the first known transgender person to be killed in 2018 in the United States. Her name was Christa Leigh Steele-Knudslien. The man who confessed to police that he killed Christa is her husband, 47-year-old Mark Steele-Knudslien. He is awaiting arraignment. An autopsy will be conducted Sunday […]

Arrests of two public employees on sexual misconduct charges brings realities of #MeToo to Pittsburgh

Jim Sheppard Mike Diebold

Two arrests this week of public employees on sexual misconduct charges brings home the reality of #MeToo to the Pittsburgh region. First came word that Jim Sheppard, an analyst in the office of County Controller Chelsa Wagner, was arrested on charges of harassment, stalking, and related crimes in regard to his ex-boyfriend. Sheppard had previously […]

Local LGBTQ Links We’re Reading – January 5, 2018

Here are the LGBTQ related links we’ve been reading this past week. Let us know what we missed. Christopher Dixon, 24, has filed a federal lawsuit against the Allegheny Intermediate Unit and Mission One Educational Services, claiming he was not given paid shifts due to his sexual orientation. Dixon is a gay man. Chris Potter […]