My #365FeministSelfie 2018 Edition


I was browsing the website Shakesville tonight when I came across this post from Melissa McEwan announcing that she’s bringing herself back to the #365FeministSelfie project for 2018. I, too, had participated during 2014 as an act of resistance. My blog post about the project even earned me a subscription to Bitch Magazine (yay!) I […]

Casual Promises to Myself That I Am Under No Legal Obligation to Fufill 2018

I’m not setting New Years resolutions this year. I peaked in 2003 and figure why mess with a resolution that introduced me to Ledcat? Instead, I’m identifying some noncommital aspirations into the conversation. I’m not apathetic about trying to fulfill these, but I’m also not overly vested in the outcome. Either way, I still have […]

Cirque du Soleil Returns to Pgh Jan 17-21 as an Ice Experience ‘Crystal’

I love Cirque du Soleil. I saw my first performance in 2005, just months before I began this blog. I remember it very clearly because it was mesmerizing. That’s an odd juxtaposition, but those of you who have been to Cirque will probably understand. That show was called Varekai! and it was in a big […]

Getting ready for a hysterectomy on the ‘most miserable day of the year’

lesbian hysterectomy

Thanks to the folks at HysterSisters, I have a pretty good idea of what I need to do to prepare for the upcoming surgery. Note: that site is lovely, but very gendered and heteronormative. There are boards for LGBTQ folks, but just prepare yourself. I’ve prepared ahead of time Ledcat took off several days from […]

Last Minute LGBTQ Donations To Consider in 2017

There’s a lot of good work going on in Pittsburgh and the larger region. If you are considering some end-of-the-year gifts, we offer these for your consideration. This is a time when $5 or $10 can have a huge impact. PublicSource – a critical resource for investigative journalism. Gifts up to $1,000 will be matched […]

Ann Veglia-Eisler Has Been Found

I am so glad to share this news. Ann Veglia-Eisler, whom we had reported missing as of December 5, has been found and is reportedly safe. I do not have any further details. But I am in awe that two members of our community, with absolute no connection to one another, went missing in a […]

Thank you for 12 years of blogging opportunities

Today, December 29, marks our 12th anniversary (blogiversary?) here at Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents. 12 is my favorite number for no particular reason, so I’m excited about this. I had originally thought about about having a real time party at our home, but my boggy uterus  dashed that thought. This blog has been very important to […]

Local LGBTQ Links We’re Reading – December 29, 2017

We are reading about: Marc Felion, PrEP, religious liberty, WESA, Pittsburgh Foundation, Deanna Garcia, Mister Rogers, Amazon, New Pittsburgh Courier, Roy Moore, Doug Jones, City Theatre, The Absolute Brightness of Leonard Pelkey, Feast of Fun and more.

Bookending My Reproductive Justice With Margaret Atwood

In March 1994, I was rushed to the hospital and scheduled for surgery after months of excruciating uterine cramping. I underwent a laparoscopic procedure to remove endometrial growth from inside my abdominal cavity and also remove my appendix. I was hospitalized for three days, maybe four. I was a graduate student at LSU. I had […]

Top Blog Posts from 2017

This annual roundup is always very sobering for me because most of the posts are typically my coverage of violence against LGBTQ people. I’ve written elsewhere about why this matters and I will continue to do my best to provide good information on these important stories. 15 posts out of the top 20 most read […]