Those Times When Santa Came to Visit on a Fire Truck in West Mifflin

Santa Claus West Mifflin

When I was a child growing up in West Mifflin, a blue-collar suburb of Pittsburgh, there were a few consistent holiday rituals. These included: making Advent wreaths at CCD; watching the Charlie Brown Christmas special; and fire truck Santa. Each year the local volunteer fire department would drive around the neighborhoods with Santa on a […]

Grief Is No Excuse for Racism

You can condemn Rahmael Holt for his actions. You can condemn the content of his character. But condemning him for being black eliminates your moral high ground. And you know what I mean. You know the things people are saying. Do you push back? Using the murder of a young cop to unleash your racist […]

Our #NaBloPoMo Quest Continues

UPDATE: It is Day 22 in the month of November. Thanks to a really nice donation yesterday from an anonymous donor, we are not losing any futher ground in our quest to find 30 new donations BUT … we have nine days left and need 13 additional donations by the end of the month. Is […]

Obamacare & Crowdfunding Help Wes, 46, Pursue His Authentic Life

Trans Man Pittsburgh

  This is Wes. He is a friend of mine whom I met just a few years ago in Pittsburgh. I mostly know Wes as a parent to his wonderful genderfluid child and co-parent with his ex and their respective partners. I admire his activism, his professional work, and his devotion to Game of Thrones. […]

Michael, 50, is a Gay Man Who Lives Without Shame #AMPLIFY

The #AMPLIFY project needs your support to continue growing this archive. Please consider sharing your story today and/or making a donation to the project. Thank you.  Name: Michael Buzzelli Age:  50 County of Residence:  Allegheny, previously Los Angeles  Pronouns: He How do you describe your identity? Gay male Please describe your coming out experience. Where did you find support? […]


November 8, 2017. The date four local women in politics announced they were forming a Political Action Committee (PAC) called Women for the Future of Pittsburgh with the unfortunate acronym of WTF. For clarity sake, I’m going to use WTF Pgh to avoid confusion with actual WTF references. Stated mission: Women for The Future (WTF) […]

52 Trans Stories from Western Pennsylvania Honor the Lost Voices on this #TDOR

November 20 is the Trans Day of Remembrance.  If you read our blog regularly, you know that we try very hard to honor the lives and acknowledge the deaths of our trans neighbors who have been lost to violence. We encourage you to participate in local TDOR events. This is the list of neighbors lost […]

Mt. Lebanon Approves LGBT Nondiscrimination Ordinance, 4th in Western PA

In December 2016, residents of Mt. Lebanon gathered for a ‘Unity Rally’ in response to multiple incidents of crimes targeting vulnerable members of the community. One year later, seeds planted at this rally led to the passage of a municipal ordinance protecting the LGBTQ community from nondiscrimination. Similar to one enacted eight years ago in […]

On Being an Ally: A List of LGBT 101 Resources

LGBT 101

Recently, someone asked me to answer their LGBTQ 101 questions. After a few, I suggested links they could read. They dropped the subject. And I’ve been thinking about it ever since. Yes, I was setting a boundary because answering these questions over and over does get tiring. Sometimes I am just not up for it. […]

Saying #MeToo For My Own Sake Because I Can’t Count on You

Comedian and activist Lizz Winstead started a hashtag on Twitter, #MeAt14, asking women to share photos of their 14-year-old selves to ask how a 14-year-old kid can be old enough to give consent. This is in response to allegations that Alabama senate candidate Roy Moore pursued a relationship with a 14 year-old girl when he […]