Mt. Lebanon Approves LGBT Nondiscrimination Ordinance, 4th in Western PA

In December 2016, residents of Mt. Lebanon gathered for a ‘Unity Rally’ in response to multiple incidents of crimes targeting vulnerable members of the community. One year later, seeds planted at this rally led to the passage of a municipal ordinance protecting the LGBTQ community from nondiscrimination. Similar to one enacted eight years ago in […]

On Being an Ally: A List of LGBT 101 Resources

LGBT 101

Recently, someone asked me to answer their LGBTQ 101 questions. After a few, I suggested links they could read. They dropped the subject. And I’ve been thinking about it ever since. Yes, I was setting a boundary because answering these questions over and over does get tiring. Sometimes I am just not up for it. […]

Saying #MeToo For My Own Sake Because I Can’t Count on You

Comedian and activist Lizz Winstead started a hashtag on Twitter, #MeAt14, asking women to share photos of their 14-year-old selves to ask how a 14-year-old kid can be old enough to give consent. This is in response to allegations that Alabama senate candidate Roy Moore pursued a relationship with a 14 year-old girl when he […]

My Love Affair With Wendy’s Hamburgers: National Fast Food Day

National Fast Food Day: National Blog Posting Month My love affair with Wendy’s Hamburgers began in October 1982. I was 11 years old when Wendy’s opened on the corner of Lebanon Presbyterian Road and Route 887.  Prior to this, our fast food options were a McDonald’s and a space on the other side of the […]

My Family Story: The Long Life of Regina Gallagher (1864-1960)

I’ve blogged about my four paternal 2x great grandmothers.  Most people have eight 2x great grandmothers, four on the paternal side and four on the maternal. Now it is time to move onto my maternal side. I’m starting with Regina Gallagher Kramer who spent her entire life in rural Butler County. Regina’s entry has been surprisingly […]

Dan, 36, is a Bisexual Man in Pittsburgh Who Wants to Build a Better World #AMPLIFY

Bisexual Man Pittsburgh

Name: Dan Burda Age: 36 County of Residence:  Allegheny Pronouns: Mr. How do you describe your identity? bisexual 35% Women 65% Men Please describe your coming out experience. Where did you find support? What challenges did you face? I was 22 years old living in Los Angeles. It was there that I discovered gay men were not what is typically […]

Q&A with Lauren from ‘Punksburgh’ blog, named ‘Best Local Blogger 2017’ by Pgh City Paper

In 2016, received this email from a guy named Blake informing me that I had been voted the first-ever ‘Best Local Blogger’ in the Pgh City Paper Reader’s Poll. I thought it was a prank. But it was not – Pittsburgh City Paper readers picked a queer, disabled, middle-aged woman at the first blogger to […]

Her Name Was Dalia Sabae: One Year Later

Dalia Sabae

If you paid close attention to recent news, you would probably know that Canonsburg is grieving the anniversary of the shooting death of police officer Scott Bashioum. Bashioum and his partner James Saieva responded to a domestic violence call on November 10, 2016. They brought their handguns to the most consistently dangerous situation police officers […]

Enter to win #LoveIsLove from @TreyPearson

Love Is Love the debut solo pop album from out artist and GLAAD Award Nominee Trey Pearson Including “Love Is Love” – Featured On Billboard’s “30 Gay Love Songs” Spotify Playlist Out November 17: iTunes: id1303789570 Amazon: Pearson/dp/B076ZTCS1Z Spotify: artist/5pjtpHRdrbbw9zZWx83zCF Love Is Love track list: 1. Love Is Love 2. Rush 3. Don’t Dance 4. The Good Grief […]

Enter to win The Thrill Of It All from Sam Smith! 

  The Thrill Of It All the sophomore album from Sam Smith Featuring the hit single “Too Good At Goodbyes” and “Pray” Out NOW: #TheThrillOfItAll Rulez You can enter as often as you like, but you can only win once every 30 days. You should be 18+ and live in the […]