Pittsburgh: Gay-friendly, or “anti gay” friendly?

I am very amused by all of the national (and international) media attention that has tabbed Pittsburgh as a hip, happening city. If we’re so hip and happening, why do we seem to breed crusaders against the “homosexual menace”? There are calls for the CEO of the Mozilla Foundation (developers of the Firefox web browser) […]

Leaving Pittsburgh

Leaving Pittsburgh

Life is a series of beginnings and endings. We leave one job to start another; we quit cities, countries, or continents for a fresh start; we leave lovers and begin new relationships. What was the last thing you contemplated leaving? What were the pros and cons? Have you made up your mind? What will you […]

So Where the Heck is the Lesbian Content?

Someone asked me if I had decided to stop writing about LGBTQ “stuff” – I suppose my recent posts have been a bit eclectic. But they are about me and I am LGBTQ so I think it is a fit. I realize there is a lot happening in the world so let me offer up […]

The Tender Things That We Were Working On

Don’t You Forget About Me Imagine yourself at the end of your life. What sort of legacy will you leave? Describe the lasting effect you want to have on the world, after you’re gone. My biggest contribution to the world after I’m gone is the fact that I am planning on a Green Burial in […]

I Promise I Won’t Bite You

What do you think you’ll be doing 10 years from now on February 13, 2023? Today is your lucky day. You get three wishes, granted to you by The Daily Post. What are your three wishes and why? Relax. I’m not going to bite or anything. Even thought my recent posts have been viewed by over 2,000 […]

I May Be Running Out Of Things To Say

(If you said to yourself  “good” I can’t really blame you.) Today was a perfectly normal day. I woke up and Ledcat had gone to work early. I fed the dogs, fed the cats, fed me and made coffee. I read the paper online. Well, sort of read because the Post-Gazette website is just infuriating […]

Five Queerability Life Hacks For A Lesbian With the Flu

Update: For those who are new to my blog, I am living with disability but this post is intended to explore how getting a routine sickness exacerbates things – in this case, how the flu impacts our everyday queerability, not to suggest the flu is the same thing as a disability! Sorry for any confusion. […]

That Time When Dan Onorato Didn’t Make Me Cry

Pittsburgh politics

Eleanor Roosevelt said: “A woman is like a tea bag – you can’t tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water.” Tell us about a time you felt your strength. First of all, Eleanor Roosevelt probably didn’t say this. Many other people have said it, including Phyllis Schlafley and Hillary Clinton, […]

She’s My Partner, Not My Sidekick

Pittsburgh Lesbian LGBT

One disadvantage to blogging is that I get “the glory” while Laura (Ledcat) often gets overlooked. And when I get the beat down side of a stick, she gets that, too. Unfair. Let me be clear – we are a family, a team, a partnership even if we are not married. She goes to work […]

PA Governor Corbett States Support for Non-Discrimination Legislation

Corbett Pennsylvania

In a move that implies the changing dynamics of Pennsylvania, Governor Tom Corbett announced his support for legislation that would expand non-discrimination protection to the LGBTQ community. HB 300 and its companion bill would expand the scope of the state Human Relations Law to include sexual orientation and gender identity in matters of employment, housing […]