Krissy, 34, Talks About Step Parenting as a Bisexual Woman #AMPLIFY

Name:  Krissy Age:  34 County of Residence:  Crawford County.  Formerly, Erie County, Lawrence County, Warren County, and Clarion County Pronouns: she/her How do you describe your identity? I consider myself bi-sexual, but I don’t think I will ever be in a relationship with a man again. My relationship “works” so much better now. Please describe your coming out […]

Make Pittsburgh Great Again?

The Incline has an in-depth look at the contested race for City Council in District Four. You should really, really read it Each time I hear/read Coghill say “Back to Basics” – I hear/read “Make America Great Again.” Is it just me? Look at the key phrases in this quote. It is a bit eerie. […]

Petition: #PghNorthside Wants @GiantEagle to Remain a Good Neighbor

Review of Giant Eagle Curbside Express

The Northside neighborhoods have a few grocery stores – a Kuhn’s in Brighton Heights, a handful of corner grocers throughout the neighborhoods and two Giant Eagle stores. One is on Brighton Road near the border with Ross Township and the other in on Cedar Avenue, in the heart of East Allegheny.  We typically refer to […]

Fish Fry Friday: St. Teresa of Avila (Perrysville)

Welcome back to Fish Fry Fridays, 2017 Edition! Hard to believe Lent is almost over, Name: St. Teresa of Avila Fish Fry Map Logo Date: March 24, 2017 Time We Ate: 7:00 PM Random review of #fishburgh adventures during Lent. Find a fish fry on this map! You can also follow them on Facebook and find tons of […]

38 Year Old Black Trans Woman Alphonza Watson is 8th TWOC Murdered in 2017

Alphonza Watson was 38 years old. She lived in Baltimore and this week, she became the 8th known trans woman to be murdered in the US in 2017. Police found her about 4:15 a.m. and took her to Johns Hopkins Hospital, where she died shortly thereafter.  Witnesses said they heard someone yelling for help, then heard […]

Rev Leonard, 37, is a Black same-gender loving freedom fighter #AMPLIFY

Reverend Shanea Leonard

We are very pleased to have the contribution of Reverend Leonard as AMPLIFY post number 200. Name: Rev Leonard Age: 37 County of Residence: Allegheny County, formerly Philadelphia County Pronouns: she, her, hers How do you describe your identity? I am a Black same-gender loving freedom fighter, I am a person of faith. I am a lover. I am […]

My Family Immigration Story: The Tragic Life of Jennie Tarleton (1868-1944)

Scots Immigrants

I’ve heard tales of Jennie Tarleton my whole life long – the brave 17 year old Scots girl who set sail for the New World all alone from Glasgow. Jennie was my 2nd great-grandmother and her arrival in 1885 makes her my most “recent” immigrant ancestor. Everyone else was here long before she set foot […]

We Need Your Investment To Keep Going

Pgh Lesbian Correspondents

Here’s the very simple truth – we do not have enough money to keep this blog and the related projects going for much longer. So I am reaching out to ask those of you who value the work and can afford to do so, to make a donation. Twelve years ago, this was a hobby. […]

Wendi, 31, Describes Being a Trans Ally in Her Workplace #AMPLIFY

Name: Wendi Age: 31 County of Residence: Allegheny, formerly Erie Pronouns: Mrs, Her How do you describe your identity? Ummm. I am a lesbian woman. I am white Italian. Wink* Please describe your coming out experience. Where did you find support? What challenges did you face? I officially came out at 16 to my parents after my dad had seen […]

Chica Discusses Her Bisexuality to Show Solidarity #AMPLIFY

Pittsburgh Bisexual Woman

What motivated you to take part in this project? Looking up Bisexuality support groups in Pittsburgh because I have some things I’d like to talk and share and get advice about. But not finding anything. Something led me to this online. Thank you for listening!