#AMPLIFY Lesbian Visibility Day with 59 Lesbian Voices from Western PA

Lesbian Day of Visibility

Today is the day we celebrate the lesbians in our lives – Lesbian Visibility Day. According to Wikipedia. I’ve been diligently trying to track down other sources for this so-called visibility day that started in 2008, but I’ve had little in the way of luck. Google seems to indicate it has not been ‘a thing’ […]

Trans Woman Chay Reed Shot & Killed in Miami

Chay Reed

28-year-old Chay Reed was shot to death Friday in the West Little River neighborhood of Miami-Dade. She is the 9th trans woman of color to be murdered in the US during 2017. Neighbors provided home surveillance footage to the police, telling the media that they saw several people on the sidewalk before 5 AM. One […]

Fish Fry Friday: 2017 Wrap-Up, Best Winners Announced

The end of another year of #FishFryFriday reviews of local fish fries in the Pittsburgh area. We missed one week, but we did include a Shrove Tuesday event so that events out. Here are this years reviews Shrove Tuesday February 28 – Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner Calvary United Methodist Church (Northside) Friday, March 3 – Fish […]

The Season of Depression Has Sprung

I’ve been depressed. For months. Long months, wearing down my mind and my soul and my heart. Months where I continued to take my prescribed medication and see my therapist and do all of the things. Sometimes I show up to do public things, sometimes I do not. If you wonder where, I’ve been – […]

Selene, 60, is genderfluid, pansexual, femme-presenting, neuroqueer and more #AMPLIFY

How do you describe your identity? genderfluid, pansexual, femme-presenting, dom
white as f*ing bleached flour
autistic, neurodivergent, neuroqueer
multiply disabled, invisibly disabled, visibly disabled, auditory processing disorder, executive function disorder, ehlers danlos syndrome, partially ambulatory

Please describe your coming out experience. Where did you find support? What challenges did you face? Have been more or less out as weird-queer all my life. Had some excellent friends, also some friends of my mother’s were supportive. Several teachers.

Got beat up, excluded, gamed. Autism (undiagnosed) was not helpful in knowing whom to trust.

The Dr. John P Ruffing Memorial Animal Care Fund

Today is the birthday of one of my favorite people of all time – Dr. John P Ruffing. He would be 51 today and probably unwilling to talk about that fact. Tragically, John died unexpectedly at age 41 in November 2007. He left a bereft group of family, friends and clients through his veterinary work. […]

Fish Fry Friday: Elks Lodge 339 (Northside)

Name: Elks Lodge 339 Date: April 14, 2017 Time We Ate: 5:30 PM Random review of #fishburgh adventures during Lent. Find a fish fry on this Google maps collection. You can also follow them on Facebook and find tons of reviews and suggestions. Here is our general criteria: In review, the factors we assess or review include: Location/directions/parking/signage Atmosphere/Volunteer […]

Scott, 53, is a Gay Man Exploring Transition & Identity Anew #AMPLIFY

genderqueer Washington County

Content Note: sexual assault Name: Scott Age: 53 County of Residence:  Washington County born & raised. Also lived in Indiana & Allegheny counties before moving to New Mexico, where I’ve lived for the past 20 years. Pronouns: they/them/theirs How do you describe your identity? I’ve been an out, loud & proud gay man since 1981. Within the past year […]

PA Youth Congress Celebrates ‘Fun Home’ Performance in Pittsburgh

The Pennsylvania Youth Congress is hosting a terrific set of events in conjunction with the performance of ‘Fun Home’ at Heinz Hall this week, focusing on the unique needs of rural LGBTQ youth. ‘Fun Home’ is based on Alison Bechdel’s best-selling graphic memoir, FUN HOME introduces us to Alison at three different ages as she explores and […]

Marcia, 58, is Cisgender, Lesbian & Slightly Gender Nonconforming #AMPLIFY

Name: Marcia Age: 58 County of Residence: Allegheny, Pronouns: she, her How do you describe your identity? Cisgender, lesbian, slightly gender nonconfroming Please describe your coming out experience. Where did you find support? What challenges did you face? My coming out was extremely difficult due to my strong religious upbringing which to this day has created barriers between me and my […]