Robert Traveled From Fayette County to Los Angeles #AMPLIFY

Gay Pittsburgh

Name: Robert Hensley Age: 37 County of Residence: I was born and raised in Fayette County; I live in Allegheny and Erie Counties while in college. Now lives in Los Angeles, California.  Preferred Pronouns: Human. I find this dialogue block offensive. It perpetuates labeling. How do you describe your identity? I describe myself as a human being, a person with […]

The Anxious Life, Part Two

Since I work up Sunday morning and read about the mass murder of predemoninantly Latinx LGBTQ people in Orlando, I’ve been in a perpetual state of terror. I read two or three articles to get a sense of what was happening and as I cried, my heart started to thump ominously. I felt the familiar […]

I Don’t Know How To Help

I spent a lot of Sunday sharing updates, links and information about Orlando. Then, I attended a vigil where I took photos, spoke some words and felt a few moments of peace. Fleeting moments. I laid out some requests for support, but no one responded. I guess it isn’t supposed to be about me really. […]

Enter to Win #LastYearWasComplicated from @NickJonas

Enter to win Last Year Was Complicated from Nick Jonas! LAST YEAR WAS COMPLICATED the new album from NICK JONAS Featuring “Close,” “Chainsaw” and “Champagne Problems” Available NOW: Catch the 2016 Honda Civic Tour featuring Demi Lovato & Nick Jonas: Future Now FOR TICKETS: Jun 29 – Atlanta, Georgia — Philips Arena Jul […]

The Anxious Life: Part One

This morning, I woke up to hear one of the cats crying and I immediately thought ” He’s dying” and leapt out of bed to race down the stairs. Of course, Boris was fine, just hungry and a little grumpy. Boris is 20 and tough as nails for a 5 lb scrappy cat whose only […]

Kay, 27: Not Ashamed Of The Reality of Me #AMPLIFY

Kay Stud Pittsburgh

  Name: Kay Age: 27 County of Residence: Allegheny Preferred Pronouns: n/a How do you describe your identity? I am Kay…I am a tall stout masculine woahman!👌💯…I’m not a lady…I’m not a man…I’m me….according to society I’d be considered a soft stud…I am black, irish, and indian. I’m originally from Bloomfield 👏👏😂 Please describe your coming out experience. Where did […]

‘Venus in Fur’ at the Public Theater

Venus in Fur

  Pittsburgh Public Theater Presents Venus in Fur Set during a theatrical audition, this eerie and erotic dark comedy by David Ives gives dominance and submission a few rousing twists. PITTSBURGH (May 10, 2016) Pittsburgh Public Theater presents the Pittsburgh premiere of David Ives’ Broadway hit, Venus in Fur. Directed by Jesse Berger, Artistic Director […]

Heidi, 28, Learned It’s Okay To Be An LGBT Christian #AMPLIFY

lesbian westmoreland

Name: Heidi Age: 28 County of Residence:  Westmoreland, formerly Allegheny and Fayette Preferred Pronouns: she How do you describe your identity? Female, lesbian Please describe your coming out experience. Where did you find support? What challenges did you face? I was 20. I fell in love, but was too afraid to admit it. Eventually the girl (who i knew […]

My List of Awesome #PghPride Things To Do 2016

Here’s my personal list of awesome things to do this year to celebrate and honor Pride. ‘Invisible in Plain Sight’ #AMPLIFY stage play, June 24 and 26, at Carnegie Stage Undertow Free Movie Screening by ReelQ, City of Asylum & Cafe Con Leche, June 6, Northside (we are sponsoring this series!) Dreams of Hope Love […]

#AMPLIFY Zine Issue 2 Now Seeking Sponsors for June/Pride Edition

Pittsburgh Pride Sponsorships

UPDATE – just an FYI that we are dedicating Issue #3 to the bisexual and pansexual community. It will be released in September for Bi Visibility Week. The overwhelming success of Issue #1 has put an entirely new spin on our plans for the second issue which will also double as the event program for […]