Lyndsey Identifes as a Queer Genderfluid Lipstick Butch #AMPLIFY


This is the 50th AMPLIFY profile that we’ve published. Name: Lyndsey Age: 38 County of Residence: Allegheny Preferred Pronouns: She her hers, they them theirs, anything as long as it isn’t said in a manner of disrespect How do you describe your identity? Queer, Gender Fluid, lipstick butch. ** Please note I use Queer as an inclusive catch-all. This is […]

#REELQ30 Review ‘While You Weren’t Looking’ Explores


One of the true gems of this year’s LGBTQ Film Festival is this film from South Africa which explores queer relationships from a multi-generational and socio-economic divide perspective. Terri and Dez are a multi-racial couple parenting 18 year old daughter, Asanda, in an upper-middle class household. Their own relationship is sexually intense, but they are […]


If you had the chance to be reborn, would you choose to return as your present self, or would opt for a fresh start? Tell us about what motivates your choice. I have no real answer for this prompt. My only real wish is that however I come back, I have enough food to eat every single day.  

Alex is a Black Trans Man Who Will Not Apologize for His Existence #AMPLIFY

Gay Pittsburgh

Alex Smithson Alex is the closing keynote speaker for the Transpride Pittsburgh Conference 2015 this weekend. He’ll be addressing the conference Sunday afternoon from 4-5 PM in Lawrenceville. It is very powerful that this conference is opened by a trans woman of color (Ciora Thomas) and closed by by a trans man of color, both […]

How I Research People

Today, share something you love about yourself  — don’t be shy, be confident! — but that few other people know about you or get to see very often. I am really good at researching people. It was a skill I refined when I was a foster parent recruiter – I had a whole protocol of information […]

Even More #PSL Memes

I find myself fascinated with the concept of a basic white girl who likes PSL. The intrigue is both in the sexist assumptions about women and the class issues – I can name dozens of women like me who grew up desperately aspiring to be a basic white girl. It finally dawned on me that […]

#ReelQ30 Kicks Off With ‘Out To Win’ Documentary


This year marks 30 years of LGBTQ Film Festivals in Pittsburgh and the Reel Q Film Festival has a wonderful lineup to celebrate. On a very interesting note, the Pittsburgh Pirates are one of the sponsors of the opening night events. I think the focus on sports comes at a very important time for Pittsburgh […]

Mario Identifies As Queer Rustbelt Genderfluid Artist #AMPLIFY

I met Mario through Most Wanted Fine Art where we are both Artists in Residence this year. They are planning to participate in the AMPLIFY project when we move into our videography phase in 2016, but I was very pleased that they agreed to submit a Q&A response as well. I hope you’ll find it […]

Making Government Fun in Four Steps


The prompt: If you were the new leader of your country and had the chance to transform something that’s currently an annoyance (or worse) into a very fun activity, what would it be? How would you go about the change, and why would you choose that particular thing? I have a list Recycling – add a positive incentive to […]

The Ritual of Our Morning Commute

Daily Blogging Prompt

Think about your day. Select one of your daily rituals and explain it to us: why do you do what you do? How did you come to adopt this ritual? What happens on days when you can’t perform it? There are so many rituals that I want to have, but not many that I consistently […]