Local Opinions on All Things LGBTQ in the Tribune Review

It has been awhile since we posted opinions from local “Letters to the Editor” sections … The Tribune-Review has been hopping with a back and forth discussion about marriage equality.  First, Rudy published some sort of anti-gay screed which I can’t find online. But then Jim Harger of New Kensington responds by pointing out that […]

Wrapping up LGBTQ 2012 With The Correspondents

I tossed out some questions for the team to answer. 1. What LGBTQ news story from 2012 resonated the most deeply with you and why?   Trish – Marriage equality coming to Maine, Maryland and Washington, maybe because 2012 was the year when I got married (after years of thinking I never would). It forced me […]

This Discrimination is Legal in 70%+ of Pennsylvania

A trolley operator in Annapolis has opted to discontinue his wedding service rather than provide serve to same sex couples. The owner of Discover Annapolis Tours said he decided to walk away from $50,000 in annual revenue instead of compromising his Christian convictions when same-sex marriages become legal in Maryland in less than a week. And […]

Do You Believe Stonewall Democrats Are Relevant to Political Discourse?

Do You Believe Stonewall Democrats Are Relevant to Political Discourse?

Stonewall Democrats – national – is in dire straights financially. This is deplorable. I don’t agree with their positions on all things, but I agree very much with this particular statement: In far too many places, the Democratic Party structures at the state and local level maintain a less than hospitable attitude toward LGBT equality […]

Hey *I* Was Going to Write a Post-Election Post-Mortem … :-)

I love that Trish jumped right into my favorite topic – Daryl Metcalfe’s reign of holy terror in Pennsylvania. I had been planning a one week reflection on the election, but was derailed by tendinitisand well … OMG, its been a week? Like my sister blogger, I think there is a lot of interesting “space” […]

It Ain’t Over

It Ain’t Over

Hey, can we do one more election post-mortem? (I know, I know.) Since last week’s elections, a lot of progressives have been taking victory laps: Phew! Well, that’s over. We did re-elect a president more LGBTQ-friendly than any U.S. president in history—even if we (and his own vice president) had to drag him there, sometimes. […]

Guest Blog Post: It Is Everyone’s Fight

Editor’s Note: This week, I’ll be sharing guest blog post from folks who identify as allies and what that means to them. Tiffany Harkelroad blogs at Tiffany’s Bookshelf Yesterday, I went to have my annual blood work done.  As I registered at the front desk, I handed the clerk my insurance card.  Because I am […]

Remaining Relevant

Remaining Relevant

Earlier in the week, I was asked by a member of the local media to comment on how LGBT issues are playing out in this election.  I gave it quite a bit of thought, but in the end I opted not to contribute. Why? Well, I could have pulled something out of the air about […]

Taxed For Being LGBTQ

Instead of pontificating on chicken sandwiches (and missing the point), I’d love to see our elected allies focusing on issues over which they have actual control.  Like taxes. Here are some ways in which LGBTQ families are penalized by taxes Our domestic partner benefits are considered ‘income” and subject to municipal, state and federal taxes, […]

The Truth Behind The Designation of The Family Research Council as a Hate Organization

The Truth Behind The Designation of The Family Research Council as a Hate Organization

The shooting and wounding of a guard at the Family Research Council building in D.C. was a tragic violent episode. While the true circumstances behind the shooting, it appears the perpetrator was displeased with some aspect of the FRC agenda. Regardless of motive, it was a tragic decision and thank goodness the victim was not […]