AMPLIFY! Rashod is an Unapologetic Black Trans Man Living His Truth

Rashod X. Brown

AMPLIFY LGBTQ is a new occasional series of blog posts designed to give a “signal boost” to the voices of our LGBTQ neighbors throughout Western Pennsylvania. We are using a Q&A format and will mostly avoid editing their responses. The questions, however, may change as we ask each participant to tell us what we’ve missed […]

GLSEN Pittsburgh Withdraws from Pittsburgh Pridefest

I’m just publishing the statements by the groups as I receive them ~ Sue   GLSEN (the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network) Pittsburgh stands in solidarity with Roots Pride Pittsburgh and the many people and organizations who are opposed to the actions of the Delta Foundation of Pittsburgh, who booked Iggy Azalea as the […]

Help ReRamp the Northside Food Pantry

A few months ago, my friends at Northside Common Ministries contacted me and asked me to help them with a very specific task – creating a crowdfunding drive to renovate the food pantry. I was honored to help and put together a project called #ReRampPgh – what I thought was a clever play on renovating […]

Judah Fellowship Christian Church Will Not Participate in Pgh Pridefest

  Public Statement of Protest “…with all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing tolerance for one another in love…” Ephesians 4:2-3 JUDAH Fellowship Christian Church stands in opposition to racism, bigotry, and homophobia in any form.  As followers of Christ and the only predominantly African-American inclusive church in the region, we uplift love, unity, and […]

First United Methodist Church Withdraws from Pgh Pridefest To Stand With Marginalized LGBTQ Community

Church Withdraws From PrideFest

I received this statement from First United Methodist Church in response to recent disclosures about Pridefest ~ Sue PRIDE 2015 RESPONSE– First United Methodist Church, 5401 Centre Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15232 Our response to the contracting of IGGY AZALEA for be the musical headliner for PrideFest 2015. IGGY AZELEA is a rapper who in both […]

AMPLIFY! Tara Wants Us To Talk About Intersectionality

Tara Sherry-Torres

Today, we launch AMPLIFY LGBTQ – a new occasional series of blog posts designed to give a “signal boost” to the voices of our LGBTQ neighbors throughout Western Pennsylvania. We are using a Q&A format and will mostly avoid editing their responses. The questions, however, may change as we ask each participant to tell us […]

Delta Foundation, Mayor Peduto Resist Transparency About Pridefest Security Plans

Pittsburgh Pridefest

Let it not be said that this divisive blogger doesn’t *try* to get along. I began emailing The Delta Foundation and Mayor Pedutor’s PR folks (Tim & Katie) on May 9 with questions about security plans, prompted by the decision of Repent Amarillo to file a lawsuit against the City of Fort Worth for constraining […]

What Are the Safety and Security Plans for Pittsburgh Pridefest?

Pittsburgh Pridefest

Protestors with an avowed anti-LGBTQ bent haven’t historically been a significant presence at Pittsburgh Pridefest. Yes, here and there. But it was really only in 2014 that they garnered the sort of attention that they craved when Repent Amarillo protested at the City County Building, strolled down the Pridefest route and then set up a […]

I Want To Thank Rick Santorum

Rick Santorum internship

I’ve been waiting for this day with great anticipation. Rick Santorum’s entrance into the 2016 GOP Presidential Race comes just in time to commemorate the 25th anniversary of my internship. So not only do I get to trot out this photo (again) BUT I also can totally justify listing that internship from 1991 on my […]

UPDATED: Allegheny County Will Terminate Domestic Partner Benefits on June 30

Allegheny County Pennsylvania

As we explored last year, Allegheny County plans to eliminate domestic partner benefits for LGBTQ employees effective June 30, 2015. Heterosexual employees were never offered access to these benefits. From the County Communications Director, Amie Downs: [This] is correct and those employees will be reminded/given notice again of the policy. Eliminating domestic partner benefits is […]