PA Winery Tours Benefits #MostWantedArtists

PA Winery Tour

As I’ve shared, I’m now an Artist in Residence with Most Wanted Fine Art (MWFA) gallery in Garfield. It is a terrific community engagement project that supports public art throughout the region. I was very happy to connect the gallery with an opportunity to secure sustainable funding through a partnership that focuses on fun things […]

When Elder Dogs Stumble

My guys are 13 years, 2 months old this week. That’s a good long life for their breed mixes. Over the past two years, they have slowed down considerably. They stopped playing as much in the yard and began meandering or simply sitting to sniff the wind. They both had trouble navigating the steps to […]

Nine QTPOC Killed Nationwide During First 41 Days of 2015

I was at a conference last weekend with 800+ progressives folks from across Pennsylvania. I repeatedly tweeted about the disappearance of Andre Gray, asking my colleagues to share the information. About five did. Then I stood up during the LGBTQ panel to speak his name and ask again for acknowledgement. No one shared it. Another […]

Penny Proud of New Orleans is Fifth Trans Woman of Color Killed in 2015

Penny Proud

This time of year, Mardi Gras and New Orleans are in my mind – I lived in Louisiana for three years in the early nineties. I was terribly saddened (and angry) to learn that another trans sister of color has lost her life to violence in New Orleans. Earlier today, police found the body of […]

Fish Fry Fridays Inspired a New Pgh Tour #FishBurgh

Now this is quite flattering – our little series of fish fry reviews has inspired Pittsburgh Tours and More to set up “The Fish Fry Tours” this Lent. Join us for Fish Fry Fridays at a different church each week through Easter! Each shuttled tour includes an historical visit through the sacred space and surrounding […]

Update On The Search For Andre Gray & How To Donate

Andre Gray has been missing from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania since October 23, 2014. This past weekend, Andre’s family and friends (and strangers) gathered on the North Side to search the area near the spot where Andre’s abandoned car was found. Now we have a new way for you to get involved and show your support for […]

Giveaway Madonna Living For Love remix CDs

Enter to win “Living For Love” remix CDs from Madonna! “LIVING FOR LOVE” the hit single from MADONNA Win special “Living For Love” remix CDs with mixes by Offer Nissim, DJ Paulo, Dirty Pop, Mike Rizzo and more! Pre-order Rebel Heart (out March 10) now and instantly receive six tracks including “Living For Love:” […]

Valentine’s Day Giveaway: Passes to see Indecent Divas Performance at @OTWTheater in Carngie

We love our friends at Off The Wall Theater and the Indecent Divas cabaret performance was one of our favorites. Much to our delight, the DIVAS are back for one night only on Friday, February 13. Friday night only at 8 PM you should be in Carnegie enjoying this sexy, scintillating romp with Anna Elder […]

Update on the Murder of Taja Gabrielle de Jesus, 4th Trans Woman of Color Killed in 2015

Taja de Jesus

My previous post about the death of Taja Gabrille de Jesus is not properly displaying her name. So I wanted to take a few moments to update you on what I’ve learned.   Taja was a Latina trans woman who lived in San Francisco, originally from San Jose. She worked with a trans organization called […]

Trans Woman of Color Taja Gabrielle de Jesus Murdered in San Francisco

Just learned about the murder of another trans sister of color. Taja Gabrielle de Jesus was discovered stabbed to death on a stairwell in San Francisco’s Bayview District on Sunday, February 1. Taja was 36 years old. She is the 4th known trans woman of color and the 1st Latina trans woman to die a […]