Canine Convalescence Day One In Which All the Other Pets Make Me Crazy

Cone of Shame

  Xander came through his surgery like a champ. We picked him up around 7 PM. Well, technically the vet staff half-carried him to the car where he drunkenly sank into the back seat and sighed with what I hope was contentment when I petted him. The vet told me that everything went smoothly. They […]

Update On My Pgh Holiday Things To Do


In early November, I published a list of holiday things that I’d like to do this year. My plans were unexpectedly derailed when I learned that my 13 year-old dog has cancer. In fact, just today he had surgery to remove the growth and will spend the next two weeks recuperating. So my holiday things-to-do […]

34 Year Old Gay Pgh Man Missing for Two Months

Andre Gray

  Black lives matter. Andre Gray is a 34 year old black man who has been missing for two months from his Lawrenceville home. Andre is also part of the LGBTQ community – according to his family, he came out when he was 30 and had recently been involved with someone. Andre is also known […]

UPDATED Help LGBTQ Seniors in Pgh During the Holidays With a Holiday Card

Send a Card to A Senior Citizen

An off-hand comment on Facebook brought to light a true need in our community – LGBTQ elders who are alone during the holidays. Kathi Boyle, coordinator of older adult services for the Persad Center, is part of a national group called SAGE, Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders has asked me to share that there […]

Here’s a Video of Our Door

Most Wanted Fine Art Contracting

I can’t think of anything to blog about today. My mind is reeling between topics including the #BlackLivesMatter protests and the disclosure about Rolling Stone’s botched story on sexual assault. I’m also coping with some minor home renovations and – toughest of all – the looming surgery my 13 year old dog will have on […]

Bricolage, WESA 90.5 Bring #WonderfulLife to Pgh Airwaves

I’ll take the tweet seats any time – especially if I can enjoy the local arts scene while using my phone with full-on permission of the folks in charge. Bricolage invites local twitter users (like @PghLesbian24 and @Ledcat) to attend performances and provide a live tweet review throughout the evening. So we toddled Downtown last […]

Don’t Ask Me To Extend an Olive Branch Unless You Have Your Facts Right UPDATED


Bruce Barron, a Pittsburgh resident and former staffer for Rick Santorum, penned a loathsome piece in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette requesting that the LGBTQ community offer Christians an olive branch. He’s suggesting that we allow Christian business owners “conscientious objector” status with regard to discriminating against LGBTQ persons in private business matters. Like baking wedding cakes. […]

Figuring Out How To Be A White Ally

White Silence White Consent

This I know – I cannot expect people of color to educate me. I cannot step into their space and demand that they meet my needs. Not in this time and not really in any time. Fortunately, that’s not an impediment to learning how to be an ally. Fortunately,  many people of color have created […]

Music Giveaway – Holiday Wishes From Idina Menzel

Idina Menzel Holiday Music

Enter to win Holiday Wishes from Idina Menzel! Enter to win Holiday Wishes, the new album from the voice of Elsa in “Frozen” and Tony Award winning star of “Wicked”, “Rent”, “Glee,” & “If/Then,” the legendary Idina Menzel! Featuring 12 holiday classics including “All I Want For Christmas Is You”, and “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” […]

Trans Woman of Color Killed by Gunshot in LA

Deshawnda Sanchez

  Deshawnda “Tata” Sanchez was just 21 years old when she was murdered around 4 AM Wednesday morning (December 3) in Los Angeles. From KTLA: “She was definitely at that door, pounding on that door seeking help,” LAPD Detective Christopher Barling said. The occupant of the home came outside after hearing multiple gunshots but it […]