Equal Rights in Pennsylvania

Last week, I shared a graphic from The Guardiandepicting the fact that Pennsylvania as a Commonwealth has extended zero benefits to its LGBTQ residents (and tax payers.) I’ve been challenged – on the fact that a State Surpreme Court determined that as PA permits single persons to adopt, they cannot use sexual orientation of the […]

Post-Gazette Columnist Dailey Wants To Have Her (Gay Wedding) Cake and Eat It, Too

Post-Gazette Columnist Dailey Wants To Have Her (Gay Wedding) Cake and Eat It, Too

The fundamental problem with Ruth Ann Dailey is that she wants to support marriage equality AND support using tax payer dollars to fund religious programs. And her own political beliefs don’t bend that way, no matter how much history she cites. Here’s the basic argument Ruth Ann agrees that same sex couples should have access […]

Friends Don’t Describe Friends as Homosexuals

Friends Don’t Describe Friends as Homosexuals

This week has brought out an array of interesting allies to the LGBTQ community. I’ve watched all sorts of folks respond to the vote for bigotry in NC and the President’s statement (and the Vice President’s statement earlier in the week) with a mixture of delight and surprise. Most of the people I know seem […]

Barney Frank AND Chris Matthews Relentless on Religious Values with Tony Perkins

Barney Frank AND Chris Matthews Relentless on Religious Values with Tony Perkins

This is pretty awesome. Congressman Barney Frank and commentator Chris Matthews really push back on Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins religious defense of his bigotry.   You may know this already but GLAAD has an interesting project called CAP – Commentator Accountability Project. They essentially make sure the media is aware of the bias and […]

Congressman Mark Critz Rejects LGBT Community. Again.

Mark Critz is reputed to be a nice guy. But he’s no liberal, barely a moderate. So in this neck of the woods that usually means women and gays are screwed. Last night, freshman Congressman Huelskamp (R – Kansas) offered an amendment to the Commerce-Justice-Science appropriations legislation.  The purpose? “None of the funds made available under […]

Bilerico – Election Results from PA

I took a slightly different angle on my post for Bilerico.  What do the increasingly complicated “choices” in elections mean when contrasted with the “choices” when it comes to legislative priorities … does the election of our first openly gay statewide legislator mean we are ready for marriage equality? No. But what can it mean?

Pennsylvania Elects First Openly Gay State Representative; Other Election News

Congratulations to Brian Sims who won the Democrat primary to run for State House in District 182 (Philly). Brian faces no challenger in November and is on course to be the first openly gay person elected to statewide office in Pennsylvania. From GayPolitics.com. Brian Sims tonight has won a decisive Democratic primary in his Philadelphia […]

North Carolina is Winnable – And We Think You Need to Support Them

In case you are not aware, North Carolina residents are set to vote on a constitutional amendment that would define marriage and deny marriage equality. It is called Amendment One. This week, progressive bloggers across the nation are shining attention on this battle and encouraging folks to financially support the cause so we can get […]

Why Hunger and Poverty Are LGBT Issues

From the Center for American Progress Economic insecurity 20 percent: The amount of female same-sex couples who are raising children and living in poverty, compared to 9 percent of married heterosexual couples who are raising children and living in poverty $41,000: The average income of Hispanic lesbian couples—the average household income of a Hispanic heterosexual […]

The Civil Discourse of (Alleged) Religious Persecution

The Civil Discourse of (Alleged) Religious Persecution

I had somewhat modest hopes when I read the headline to Ruth Ann Dailey’s most recent column “A civil solution to same-sex marriage angst” Same sex marriage? Wow, that’s a big step forward from “gay marriage” and slightly more accurate if not as preferable as “marriage equality.” Ruth Ann, though, ensnared me in the quite […]