Realizing I Am The Eccentric Relative In My Family

Eccentric Relative

We all have that one eccentric relative who always says and does the strangest things. In your family, who’s that person, and what is it that earned him/her that reputation? My one grandmother was the type who covered the furniture in plastic and served the kids Pepsi-free with sugar-free spearmint drops. She was pretty strict […]

PA To Host 19 Events Honoring the Trans Day of Remembrance (TDOR)

Transgender Day of Remembrance

Thursday, November 20 will be the 16th annual Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDoR.) According to the Pennsylvania Student Equality Coalition: At least 19 organized vigils will be held in communities throughout the commonwealth for TDoR on November 20th, 2014. This is large increase from just a few events held in Pittsburgh and Southeastern Pennsylvania before […]

Influenster Knows Constructive Criticism is Necessary


To be fair, the description of an Influenster doesn’t really seem to be “me” Influenster is a community of trendsetters, social media hotshots, and educated consumers who live to give opinions of products and experiences. Influensters meet here to learn about new products from our favorite brands as well as review the products they already […]

Artistic Q&A: The Blogging Craftmanship of David DeAngelo

David DeAngelo

As part my NaBloPoMo examination of art and blogging, I asked a few folks to consider some of the same questions I’m pondering. Today, we’ll talk with David DeAngelo from the blog 2 Political Junkies.   I met David in early 2006 soon after I began blogging. Our blogging lives brought us to many of […]

A Blogger, An Artist and an Advocate Walk Into a Bar

Podcamp Pittsburgh

This weekend, I’ll be doing something rather cool (again) – presenting at Podcamp Pittsburgh 9 along with my friends and collaborators, Nina Sauer of Most Wanted Fine Art  and Erin Gill Ninehouser of the Pennsylvania Health Access Network (PHAN).    The theme of this year’s Podcamp is “Ignite” PodCamp Pittsburgh is a social, new media […]

Post-Gazette Erases Trans Community & Worse in Article About Homeless Youth

GLAAD media guide

Score another one for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette’s inaccurate and unfair coverage of the LGBTQ community. This time, reporter Mary Neiderberger is at bat. She recently wrote a piece about homeless youth in Allegheny County using somewhat accurate and fair language about the impact of sexual orientation and gender identity on the number of youth on […]

Indecent Divas Cabaret Delivers Fun, Sexy Romp

Off The Wall Theater in Carnegie often hosts unique productions that are a bit edgy while still entertaining and accessible. Their current production is an incarnation of “Indecent Divas” – a bawdy, saucy cabaret style show with local artists Anna Elder and Rebecca Covert. Running through Sunday, the show explores sexuality and relationships through contemporary […]

Artistic Q&A: Joe Wos Gets to the Core of His Art

Joe wos

As part my NaBloPoMo examination of art and blogging, I asked a few folks to consider some of the same questions I’m pondering. First up is Joe Wos, freelance cartoonist. Joe has contributed to this blog and contributed to previous Q&A series as well. Joe has been part of my life for more than four years; […]

Nashville Trans Woman Gizzy Fowler Found Murdered

Gizzy Fowler

Wednesday, a 24-year-old transwoman of color from Nashville was found murdered in Bordeaux, TN – a suburb of Nashville. Her name was Gizzy Fowler. Police are still investigating the motive in the shooting death. Fowler was found laying next to an open-door car in a driveway at a house of a homeowner that recently passed […]

Pittsburgh Municipal Equality Index Score Increases for 2014

Municipal Equality Index

The 2014 HRC Municipal Equality Index has been released. Pittsburgh residents have gained significant benefit from the 2014 court decision legalizing same-sex marriage in Pennsylvania, but has only made slight actual gains in terms of municipal initiated efforts to address equality. Pittsburgh’s most noticeable ongoing weakness is evident in the “gender identity” indicators. The scoring […]