Now I’m Just Somebody Who Used To Read Books

What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without reading a book (since learning how to read, of course)? Which book was it that helped break the dry spell? It probably won’t shock you that I grew up as a big reader. My Dad was a book reader and my mother read 3 newspapers every day as well […]

I Miss Graduate School

Sometimes, I miss graduate school. Specifically, I miss the conversation. When I was at LSU in the early 1990’s, we spent a lot of time talking, discussing and arguing. It was exhilarating and frightening to be exposed to so many new ideas, opening a world of possibilities to me. There’s no way to recreate that. […]

NWLC, here’s how you tell transgender jokes

I saw two examples this week of satirists using transgender themes to address important issues. One failed miserably — and I, and many other people, were disappointed, since it came from the National Women’s Law Center, traditionally an ally of LGBT causes. The other satire was a funny and — surprisingly — nuanced take from […]

RIP Jan Hooks

Jan Hooks

I was in college when I first began watching Saturday Night Live with my friends Ann, BJ, Gail, Sarah, Suzanne and Mary. Imitating our favorite characters was always fun. And one of the best skits were ‘The Sweeney Sisters’ with Nora Dunn and Jan Hooks. It was not unknown for us to spontaneously break into […]

When A Manager Send You Pornographic Email

Porn Email

While debate rages over the “inappropriate email” scandal in Harrisburg, I am reminded of one much-overlooked fact: this happens to a lot of us in our workplaces. And it is not a pleasant experience, precisely because it typically reflects deeper things about the workplace culture rather than a one time “whoops” scenario. Here’s what’s happening […]

Has Cable Changed My Life?

We’ve had Verizon FIOS for three months so I thought it would be a good time to reflect on how it has changed our lives. We weren’t exactly television snobs, just cost conscious. I think our lack of exposure to massive cultural shifts in that time period coupled with the pleasure of silence has created […]

Turn Out For What? MidTerm Elections In Southwestern PA

Can you name anyone running for in the 2014 November 4 elections? You should. Every member of the United States Congress is up for reelection. And we are electing a Governor. This new video from Rock The Vote, takes an interesting approach though. Instead of focusing on WHO we are electing, it reminds us that […]

UPDATED LIHEAP, Toys for Tots and Other Critical Cold Weather Info for Neighbors

Pittsburgh Winter

I often write about human service programs, poverty, and related topics so people find their way to my site looking for information on programs to help their families and households, especially during the cold winter months. I see that happening already this year so I’m going to go ahead and share the information I can […]

Support the GLCC During National Coming Out Week

In honor of National Coming Out Week, the team at Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents invites you to “come out” to Pittsburgh’s LGBTQ Community Center. You have several ways to do that First, you can visit the Community Center in person, perhaps with items for the Winter Gear Drive. The GLCC is located at 210 Grant Street […]

Justice for Brittany Kidd-Stergis

Some news from Cleveland regarding the December 2013 murder of 22 year old Brittany Kidd-Stergis.  The man responsible for her death pled guilty on Friday and faces a life sentence. From A 20-year-old man could spend life in prison after he pleaded guilty Friday to the December slaying of a transgender woman outside a […]