Aniya ‘Asia’ Parker: Another Trans Sister Lost to Violence in Los Angeles

  Aniya Parker courtesy of Parker family I’ve been holding off on this post because the name of the woman was not immediately released. But last night I read that police were having trouble finding family to notify which is just so very sad so I am going to go ahead and post and ask […]

My Inner Harvest Moon


Today’s blogging prompt is an Allen Ginsberg quote. But he didn’t write it in his own work. It is a quote from an interview he gave to another writer. It is not a quote from Howl the poem. “It’s more important to concentrate on what you want to say to yourself and your friends. Follow […]

Reg Henry: LGBT Is A Ridiculous Acronym

Pittsburgh transgender

While there is a certain artistry to deconstructing the propensity of acronyms, Post-Gazette columnist Reg Henry once again decided to add a little homophobic & transphobic thrust into his column du jour. In this case, Henry was condemning what he described as acronyms that are killing honest words. Among these are DOD, STEM, IED and […]

Numinous Magic Market & Healing Workshops – This Weekend in Pgh

Numinous Market

Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents is pleased to be a supporter of the upcoming Numinous Magic Market & Healing Workshops. We learned about the market through Joy KMT and she graciously agreed to answer a few questions. Event: Numinous Magic Market & Healing Workshops Location: The former Quiet Storm space (5430 Penn Avenue in Garfield) Date: Sunday, October […]

Five Lies About Autumn in Pittsburgh

Autumn Things

In a sad twist of irony on irony, my blog post about Pumpkin Spice Latte memes has now become the most read post in the history of this blog. Oh, the humanity. In my defense, I don’t own yoga pants. I also only wear leggings or tights underneath other items of clothing. In the spirit […]

South Side Bar Location of 2013 Queer Bashing to Close ‘Indefinitely’


A South Side bar where two queer women of color were bashed in January 2013 has been closed indefinitely after a shooting incident this past weekend left a 21-year-old woman shot. She was treated and released. “With this action, a standard has been set and the message has been sent that chronic illegal, disruptive, and […]

Giveaway: 2 CD Box Set of The Violet Flame from Erasure

  Enter to win a Deluxe 2CD edition of The Violet Flame from Erasure! THE VIOLET FLAME the brand new album from the iconic ERASURE Produced by Richard X and featuring the new single “Elevation.” Available NOW! In addition to the standard CD, The Violet Flame will be available on Deluxe 2CD edition, with a […]

Hate Crimes, OUTrage and Privilege in Pennsylvania

Let me start with a very clear statement – the assault of two gay men in a Philadelphia neighborhood by a crowd of people was a terrible act of violence and I am very glad that they both survived. I’m also aware that this experience may resonate in their lives for a long time and […]

Drag Performers Parody Video “That’s Not My Name”

Facebook Name Policy

I love the Ting Tings so this definitely caught my attention. The Legendary Children of Atlanta and Brigitte Bidet released a parody of a Ting Ting hit retitled “WTF Zuck” in response to the Facebook enforcement of the “real names policy.”  And there’s no such thing as too much parody in the world. Especially parody with […]

Why This Lesbian Won’t Leave Facebook

Facebook Name Policy

If you follow me on social media, you may have noticed that I’ve been investigating/poking around the Facebook names policy crackdown – it hit my radar after two Pittsburgh drag performers mentioned being caught up in the thick of it. I smelled a conspiracy and it turns out I was a bit right. As it […]