NYU Freshman Takes on Chick-Fil-A

NYU Freshman Takes on Chick-Fil-A

This young woman takes NYU to task for hosting an openly anti-gay corporation (Chick-Fil-A) on their campus while purporting to be pro-diversity. Can’t have it both ways. But my FAVORITE thing is this excerpt from the press release: Within a few days of launching her campaign, Dworkoski had recruited hundreds of supporters on Change.org, the world’s fastest growing […]

Santorum Heads to Washington State – Oh God

The Washington primary is set for March 3, 2012. Maine, Arizona and Michigan could knock Santorum out, but Washington is fertile ground for his particular brand of vile. Washington is poised to legalize marriage equality with the bill waiting for the Governor’s signature. Can you see the collision and hate rhetoric coming? Do you think […]

15 New Jersey Girl Speaks OUT for Her Fathers – Go Madison

15 New Jersey Girl Speaks OUT for Her Fathers – Go Madison

Washington is poised to legalize marriage equality. New Jersey is in hot debate over that very topic. Garden State Equality has the latest.  In the Garden State, lawmakers are working to lock down the number of votes needed to override Gov. Chris Christie’s expected veto of a bill permitting gay marriage. New Jersey Democrats believe they have […]

The Impact of Susan G. Komen Defunding Planned Parenthood on the LGBT Community

I am sad to share that many  of the LGBTQ friends identify as pro-life. Granted, I am fine with them making their own decisions and I have plenty of straight friends who also identify as pro-life. But the right to privacy that protects my body from YOUR decision-making is also the same fundamental Constitutional right […]

Sue Kerr: “Rick Santorum Never Discussed Gay Sex With Me”

Sue Kerr: “Rick Santorum Never Discussed Gay Sex With Me”

Well, I’m a google search today, thanks to Mr. Santorum. Woo hoo! Michaelangelo Signorile included this blog in a recent column about Santorum’s hypocrisy on LGBT equality, including a ridiculous defense by former Communication Director Robert Traynham an openly gay man. Apparently, Traynham is fine with Rick’s stance on equality because Rick never criticized ‘gay […]

Whatever Happened to the Gay Guy Who Worked for Santorum?

Whatever Happened to the Gay Guy Who Worked for Santorum?

Robert Traynham. He was Santorum’s PR Director/Communications Director while Santorum was in the Senate. He was an openly gay, African-American man who worked for Rick Santorum. Then he got a fancy job in the D.C. (imagine) and is now teaching at George Mason, hosting a political talk show, making appearances on NPR and other swell […]

The Rainbow New Year … 2011 LGBTQ in Review

The Rainbow New Year … 2011 LGBTQ in Review

Tons of blog posts in the queersosphere about the highlights of 2011 for the LGBTQ community. Let’s start with a list from Mara Keisling, Executive Direct of The National Center for Transgender Equality. These are 14 Reasons that Made 2011 Great for Trans People.  The list includes at least 19 municipal/state actions that protect trans […]

Happy 6th Blogoversary to Us!

Happy 6th Blogoversary to Us!

Here we are again … celebrating another year of blogging lesbian Pittsburgh. Yeah, I don’t really know what that means but it seems catchy. I was pondering the impact of my most recent year of blogging.  I haven’t been consistent, but I’ve been paying attention even when its been a little silent around here. Here […]

Good Legislative Stuff Happens in PA, too

Good Legislative Stuff Happens in PA, too

It is hard to keep up with the good stuff, but I'm sure you want to know about it …. Anti-Discrimination HB 300 sponsored by Representative Dan Frankel SB 910 sponsored by Senator Lawrence Farnese These bills will expand the Human Relations Act to include sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression as protected classes. […]

The PG’s Reg Henry weighs in on DOMA

The PG’s Reg Henry weighs in on DOMA

The Defense of Marriage Act took another blow this when the Department of Justice (part of the Executive Branch) anounced it will no longer defend DOMA in court.  Pittsburgh's own Reg Henry weighs in with a very pragmatic priece. DOMA, on the other hand, is increasingly uncool, being social and religious prejudice written into law. […]