Is Taylor Swift’s New Video Racist?

Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift’s new song “Shake It Off” is a catchy pop tune with more than a few sly references to how she copes with her critics. The video features Swift in multiple genres from ballet to a hip-hop setting being a slightly adorkable young woman who has fun with what she’s doing, but doesn’t quite […]

This Is Why I Use the Facebook Check-In Tool And You Should Too

Facebook Check-In

I recently saw a disgruntled status update from a Facebook friend announcing that he wanted to “block check-ins” because he didn’t bloody care where we are spending our time. I get that. Facebook is filled with all sorts of frivolous and irritating information about our friends, things we don’t have a need to know. But […]

In 2013, 72% of anti-LGBT Homicide Victims Were Transgender Women

Island Nettles

This is an important piece from BuzzFeed about the epidemic of violence against trans women, particularly trans women of color. This snapshot commemorates the one year anniversary of the murder of Islan Nettles, a crime that remains unsolved. Out of 18 anti-LGBT homicides in 2013 included in a report by the National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs, almost […]

#ArtisticVisionPgh QnA with Kai Devenitch

Artistic Vision Pgh

This Q&A series focuses on artists contributing to the #ArtisticVisionPgh project cosponsored by Most Wanted Fine Art and Penn Avenue Eyewear. Kai Devenitch tells us how the world looked from behind his favorite pair of sunglasses. Name: Kai Devenitch Website: Did you grow up with any siblings, friends or schoolmates who wore glasses? Was it a big […]

My Signature Beverage(s)

water coffee

Captain Picard was into Earl Grey tea; mention the Dude and we think: White Russians. What’s your signature beverage — and how did it achieve that status? I have two and both are pretty boring. First, there’s dark roast coffee with cream. This is what I order 90% of the time in a coffeehouse, restaurant or anywhere. I’ll take “normal” coffee and decaf […]

#ArtisticVisionPgh QnA with Brian Cottington

Brian Cottington

This Q&A series focuses on artists contributing to the #ArtisticVisionPgh project cosponsored by Most Wanted Fine Art and Penn Avenue Eyewear. Today, we talk with Brian Cottington. I wanted to take a moment to point out that Brian describes a concrete example of how people “stretch” their vision health services to the point that it […]

17 Year Old Trans Male Student Dies By Suicide in Eastern PA


    Photo of Riley via Facebook 17 year old Riley Matthew Moscatel died by suicide this week. Riley was a student at Bucks County Technical High School who also happened to be a transgender male.  I held off writing about this because most of the media coverage by local PA and national outlets has done […]

We Are All In This Together

The internet has recently been swept up by the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. Is there a cause — social, political, cultural, or other — you passionately believe in? Tell us how you got involved — or why you don’t get involved. This ALS ice-bucket fundraiser seems to be a really touchy topic. I believe it is perfectly fine […]

#ArtisticVisionPgh QnA with Richard Jackley

Richie Jackley

This Q&A series focuses on artists contributing to the #ArtisticVisionPgh project cosponsored by Most Wanted Fine Art and Penn Avenue Eyewear. Today’s profile focuses on Richard Jackley Name: Richard Jackley Did you grow up with any siblings, friends or schoolmates who wore glasses? Was it a big deal with other kids? My sister and father wear glasses. […]

ArtisticVisionPgh QnA With Dale Capellanio

This Q&A series focuses on artists contributing to the #ArtisticVisionPgh project cosponsored by Most Wanted Fine Art and Penn Avenue Eyewear. Next up is Dale Capellanio.  Name: Dale Capellanio Did you grow up with any siblings, friends or schoolmates who wore glasses? Was it a big deal with other kids? My grand parents wore glasses and my […]