Licorice Tea With Vinegar If You Please

Breathe Easy

Bacon and chocolate, caramel and cheddar… Is there an unorthodox food pairing you really enjoy? Share with us the weirdest combo you’re willing to admit that you like — and how you discovered it. The weirdest combo that I currently appreciate is more of a folk remedy for what ails me, than a gastro concoction – apple […]

Being a Fan of the Steelers is a Preference, Being a Lesbian is Not

Eric Waters

It is 2014. There is simply no excuse for a college educated 23-year-old man like Eric Waters to use the phrase “sexual preference” unless he is being a snide bigot. Period. I’m referring to a Tribune Review interview in which Waters talks disrespectful trash about his college roommate, Michael Sam – the first openly gay […]

Donate Back To School Supplies for LGBTQ Youth

School supplies

Backpacks or similar bags are de rigueur for school students, no matter what grade. There are always trends in terms of what’s a cool bag, but for many youth – a durable bag that functions is pretty much what they want. So I have this blue backpack that I purchased in August 1998 for grad […]

Brittney Griner: LifeSize

A terrific 15 minute short film about WNBA player Brittney Griner. This is about her first season playing for a Chinese national team. It was produced by ESPN. The video is a bit wonky – it is set on autoplay and some other things that I think were designed to make it “not copieable” so […]

The Mental Illness Happy Hour

Mental Illness Happy Hour

Last week, I wrote about discovering the amazing Maria Bamford. Well, she led me to a true treasure trove of goodness – a podcast called “The Mental Illness Happy Hour.” The show is geared towards anyone interested in or affected by depression, addiction and other mental challenges which are so prevalent in the creative arts. […]

Watch This Terrific Documentary on PBS This Week

Grace Lee Boggs

Over the weekend, I was introduced to Grace Lee Boggs who is a 99-year-old Chinese American activist deeply enmeshed in the fabric of Detroit. I learned about Grace from a reference on Bitch Media to a free documentary streaming on PBS (through Thursday July 30) “The Evolution of Grace Lee Boggs.” Grace’s story is an […]

YOLO So Please Stop Hurting People with “Cray Cray”

cray cray

I can be as much of a language snob as the next person, especially when it comes to middle aged adults appropriating youth terms (as I am wont to do.) Sometimes it is amusing – my former supervisor used to say “Hit Me On My Hip” and slap her hip which was her way of […]

Pgh City Council Votes to Update Trans Non-Discrimination Protections

  Something very interesting took place in Pittsburgh City Council today – they directly addressed a matter of transgender municipal equality for the first time in history. The issue is non-discrimination which Pittsburgh City Council first took up as far back as the late 1980’s. In 1990, the City amended the Human Relations Ordinance to […]

Is Maria Bamford Procrastinating Her Reply To My Tweet?

Maria Bamford

Last night, I coaxed Ledcat into watching a 49 minute comedy show on Netflix with me. Fully knowing that watching Netflix means we’ll end up covered in cats, we curled up on the sofa to take in “The Special Special Special” featuring Maria Bamford. Maria Bamford is a comedian that I had not heard of […]

Celebrating Social Anxiety

Social Anxiety

There’s a grey area between social butterfly and hiding under the covers in your pajamas avoidance. When I bring up my social anxiety with casual friends, I get some interesting – if gentle – pushback. I certainly *do* a lot of things, especially with Ledcat. But I avoid many, many more things because they are […]