Enter For A Chance To Win A “Jersey Boys” Prize Pack!

Jersey Boys

CLOSED TO NEW ENTRIES “Everybody remembers it how they need to.” I remember hearing these songs on the radio during my childhood and having no clue what they “meant,” but dancing with my mum around the living room. “Oh What A Night” “Sherry Baby” “Big Girls” – all informed my childhood and I had no […]

Adventures in CSA: Chapter Three

Well, we ran into a wall and that wall was named “too busy to do much cooking or vegetable scrubbing.” Damn, these organic veggies last a long, long time. We are backed up to the point that all the crisper drawers are filled to the brim with green stuff and I’m ready to feel the […]

Enter to Win an OBVIOUS CHILD Prize Pack!

Obvious Child Pittsburgh

CLOSED TO NEW ENTRIES I have been reading terrific reviews about this movie – can’t wait to see it for myself.   Enter to Win an OBVIOUS CHILD Prize Pack! A24 presents OBVIOUS CHILD For aspiring comedian Donna Stern, everyday life as a female twenty-something provides ample material for her hysterical and relatable brand of […]

Pgh Mayor Peduto Records PSA to Promote HIV Testing

Pittsburgh’s LGBTQ Community Center (GLCC) unveiled a 30 second PSA featuring Mayor Bill Peduto discussing the importance of HIV testing. The Mayor came to the GLCC during regular testing hours to be tested ahead of the National HIV Testing Day on June 27, 2014. The GLCC offers weekly testing hours on Thursdays from 5-9 PM. […]

Four Ways to Support the Pgh Dyke and Trans March

Pittsburgh Dyke March

The Pittsburgh Dyke and Trans March is coming up on Saturday June 21 in Bloomfield.  Schedule of events at the end of this post. Hope to see you there – wrap up Pride with a great community building event that claims visibility for queer women and the trans community. Here’s how you can show your […]

Seeking Photos of Protestors at Pgh Pride

Pittsburgh Pride

During the Sunday Pride festivities in Pittsburgh, a local woman recorded an incident involving a confrontation between anti-LGBTQ protestors and members of our community. The incident resulted in a young woman allegedly from our community being detained by the police with allegations of misconduct by the officer involved. (I use allegedly because she has not […]

Talking LGBTQ Symbols with @Mashable Made Me Some New Friends

Pittsburgh lesbian

Last week, I was asked by GLAAD to contribute to a piece on the meaning of LGBTQ symbols to my life, specifically lesbian symbols such as interlocking female symbols.  The piece was being compiled by Mashable and was published Friday. It really gave me pause to stop and *think* about lesbian symbols. And do a […]

Unleashing Hope

Once upon a time my former therapist told me that if I started to talk about living with a mental illness on my blog (or publicly), I could never go back. She is also an activist of sorts and married to a politician so I knew she was speaking to me on several levels. She […]

Ledcat Got Mansplained


Tell us about something you (or a person close to you) have done recently (or not so recently) that has made you really, unabashedly proud. The other night, Ledcat had to give a brief presentation on a work related topic. A member of the group she was addressing hijacked her presentation to give *his* spin […]

Verbal Ticks Are Not Cool

Is there a word or a phrase you use (or overuse) all the time, and are seemingly unable to get rid of? If not, what’s the one that drives you crazy when others use it?  This reminds me of a story. I was 25 and living in Kentucky, working in social service ministry. I had […]