Five Articles about Pittsburgh’s LGBTQ History You Don’t Want To Miss (re)Reading

Pittsburgh Pride

I’ve been on this kick lately of reading archived media coverage of Pittsburgh’s LGBTQ history. I set up several “Scoop.It” sites to curate the information. One is specific to the Gay and Lesbian Community Center of Pittsburgh and the other is general LGBTQ Pittsburgh history. Scoop.It is a neat tool – you can follow my […]

It Is Difficult To Get A Man (RuPaul) To Understand Something When His Salary Depends Upon His Not Understanding It

RuPaul Transgender

Editor’s Note: Please welcome a new contributor, Jamie. She starts off her work with Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents with a post introducing herself and delving right into a frontburner issue. – Sue The quote from Upton Sinclair that: “it is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding […]

Cathy’s Closet Fundraiser Reaches 20% of Our Goal – Hurrah!

Pittsburgh Pride

Some excellent news this morning. The fundraising effort to establish and open Cathy’s Closet at the Gay and Lesbian Community Center of Pittsburgh has reached 20% of its goal – we’ve raised $1,000! To date, we’ve raised $675 on Crowdrise, a website that works through GuideStar and Network For Good to ensure credibility and transparency. […]

“Death In June” Pgh Show Will Go On – @RexTheater Responds

Death In June

As I mentioned earlier, “Death in June” is scheduled to perform at The Rex Theater on May 29. The Rex Theater is managed by Grey Area Productions. Scott Forsyth, the Booking/Production Manager of The Rex, responded to my concerns thusly: (general sic for typos) You did note that Douglas P is openly gay, and is […]

White People Invisibility, Part Two

White Racism

When was the last time you really wanted (or needed) to say something, but kept quiet? Write a post about what you should’ve said. Earlier in the week, I wrote about an experience in a local Northside business where a man used a slew of racial slurs in front of me just as casually as […]


RuPaul said something else offensive about trans women? What?! Un-possible! Give me a minute! Let me lie down! RuPaul is, and always has been, about causing a scene and creating controversy. People are upset because of something he said? Fan-freaking-tastic! I’m sure he’s eating it up. He loves the attention. I mean, you don’t become […]

Should The Rex Bring a Neo Folk Group With Fascist Ties to Pittsburgh?

The Rex Pittsburgh

SECOND UPDATE – The show will not be cancelled. Read more. UPDATED Just four days after a huge civil rights victory for the LGBTQ community, I learn that a Pittsburgh promoter is bringing a white supremacist, fascist act to the South Side next week. The group is called “Death in June” (that’s ominous for queer […]

Allies at the Toonseum Offer Relaxed Way to Enjoy Pride in the Street

I have never been to Pride in the Street because I don’t really like standing in crowds, especially if people are drinking. There’s nothing inherently wrong with it – it just isn’t comfortable for me. When Melissa Etheridge played, I was out of state so I wasn’t even tempted. But when I heard Chaka Khan […]

Inbox Me! For Reals!

Inbox Me

If there is one thing I love, it is efficiency in language especially if eliminating unnecessary words comes with a dash of an imperial command. So when someone instructs me to “inbox them” I try very hard to not visualize cramming them into a little plastic shelf on a desktop and instead focus on how […]

What is The Person in Line at the Grocery Store Thinking About?

Here are some things we probably never have to think about. The person in line ahead of you at the grocery store might be thinking about this all of the time.  Note – these are suggestions from websites. I make no claims to their effectiveness, simply pointing out that they exist. How to Stretch Shampoo […]