Review: Union Pig and Chicken

Union Pig and Chicken

This weekend, Ledcat and I were at loose ends when it came to evening plans. I mentioned craving barbecue and we simultaneously said “Let’s try Union Pig and Chicken.” I called to make a reservation and had no trouble landing a table for 2 at 6 PM even though it was nearly 2 PM that […]

I’m Not Going To Thank You

Pittsburgh Snow Lesbians

In your imaginary award acceptance speech (yes, we know you have one), who’s the very last — and most important — person you thank? The absolute most boring part of any awards show or event is when someone spits out a laundry list of people to thank. It is one thing to thank your family […]

The Kindness of Neighbors

Cathy's Closet

When was the last time a stranger did something particularly kind, generous, or selfless for you? Tell us what happened! This weekend, a lot of strangers did me a big kindness by donating to Cathy’s Closet. One drive was Friday night at the Blue Moon Bar in Lawrenceville (yes, that Blue Moon of Sharon Needles […]

People Are Standing Up To Daryl Metcalfe

Letter To The Editor Pittsburgh

Last week, Daryl Metcalfe tried to rally the troops to impeach State Attorney General Kathleen Kane for derelicting her duty to defend the state DOMA law (Kane will not defend the state law in various court cases, most notably one led by the ACLU in federal court.)  In response, a few folks wrote in to […]

The Natural Order of Things Requires You To Pay Attention

Pittsburgh Poverty

I was engaged in a Facebook “dialogue” yesterday around the young women in Nigeria who were stolen from their families. The actual topic was a #BringBackOurGirls rally planned for Mother’s Day, but I want to try to keep the girls themselves as the focus of the discussion. Not the rally. Not the rally organizer. Not […]

Six Summer Personal Care Items You Never Thought To Donate

Pittsburgh Pride

While it is not technically summer, the 84 degree weather has me thinking about things like finding my flip-flops, setting out the deck furniture and maybe even planting stuff that grows. I might get ambitious and carry my winter coats to the attic this weekend. Just another ritual in the day to day change of […]

Speaking at PFLAG Pittsburgh Meeting This Weekend

PFLAG Pittsburgh

Just a little shout-out to the fine folks at Pittsburgh PFLAG. They’ve asked me to speak at their monthly meeting this weekend. It has been several years since I’ve attended and that’s unfortunate. Check out their latest newsletter for more information on the array of supports they offer the community.   May 11, 2014   […]

That One Time At The Dyke March

Pittsburgh Pride

So one year, I was asked to speak at the Dyke March. I was flattered, but I’ll say right here – I blew it. I was absolutely terrified to speak with this group of women and felt like I had nothing to say. I was super anxious and I did not prepare and it was […]

Apologies and Amends – Moving the Dialogue Abt Language Forward

Pittsburgh Pride

I recently posted a commentary decrying a video that Pittsburgh’s own Alaska Thunderfuck had posted on YouTube – a video depicting a drag queen putting a bullet into the head of trans activist, Parker Marie Molloy. It was an appalling contribution to a rancorous debate about the use of the words “tranny” and “shemale” and […]

“How Can I Help?” Are The Sweetest Words

Pittsburgh Pride

There’s plenty of good news to report from Cathy’s Closet We’ve raised nearly $700 through Crowdrise, a private donation and the proceeds from an iCandy event in April. We have 12 collections scheduled, starting last month actually. Cathy was honored with a posthumous award by the editors of Keystone Alliance/Gaylife Newsletter which will be accepted […]