Neighborhood Welfare, the Animal Rescue League and Examples from Manchester

Western Pennsylvania Humane Society

I didn’t intend to write this post because I don’t live in Homewood and I can’t articulate what would be in the best interests of those who do. Then I saw the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette weighed in on the matter so I thought I would, too. You can read more details here about community response to […]

Should A Volunteer Open Carry A Gun at Art All Night?

Art All Night Pittsburgh

I didn’t go looking for this fight. Honestly, I just wanted to enjoy a Pittsburgh tradition – Art All Night. I had planned to review this event with some gentle mocking of the hipsters and yuppies (oh, so many strollers) and then talk about the interesting art. Instead, I am under siege from gun rights […]

We Are Family

We Are Family Pittsburgh

One of my favorite things about my Ledcat is that she is a good sport when it comes to supporting me. Whether it be volunteering her time, attending an event or wearing matching tee shirts to Art All Night, she’s usually game because it matters to me. These tee shirts were designed by Dan Rugh […]

But my life is more than a vision

Indigo Girls Pittsburgh

If you could learn a trade — say carpentry, electrical work, roofing, landscaping, plumbing, flooring, drywall — you name it — what skill(s) would you love to have in your back pocket? My response? This song reminds me of the months I spent volunteering for Habitat for Humanity.  I was impressed that I was able […]

Mocking Violence Against Trans Women Is Not Acceptable


“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” – Mahatma Ghandi It is my opinion that being an ally to the trans community requires me to believe the people in that community. I believe when they tell me that words like “tranny” and “shemale” and “shemail” are […]

If Marriage Equality Comes to PA, Then What

marriage equality PA

There are six pending marriage equality cases in Pennsylvania right now. Two are in the Federal District Courts Whitewood v. Wolf* Palladino v. Corbett* In State Court Pennsylvania Health Dept. v. Hanes* Ballen v. Corbett* Cucinotta v. Pennsylvania* In re Estate of Burgi-Rios* Whitewood v Wolf is the case with which you are most likely familiar […]

Wandering Around Port Charles and Salem

Tell us about the top five places you’ve always wanted to visit. GO! One of the things about living in a nation with disjointed equality is that traveling take a lot more energy and planning. I don’t really want to spend my money in a state that thinks I’m second class (yet, ironically, I live […]

Another Update in the Murders of Crystal Jackson and Britney Cosby

Crystal Jackson and Britney Crosbey

Following the tragic news that two young queer women of color were brutally murdered in Texas earlier this year comes another story – Kevin Moyer of Dallas was found brutally murdered in his car earlier in April.  Investigators do not believe this was a hate crime, but a sexual encounter gone horribly wrong. Friends held […]

Review: The Fosters from ABC Family

ABC Family The Fosters

May be spoilerish. You’ve been warned. I’ve been hearing many good things about this show from my friend Dana at Mombian. The story focuses on a lesbian couple that happens to be biracial, Stef and Lena, who are raising a blended family. Their children include Stef’s biological son from her first marriage, Brandon, as well […]

Nothing Lasts Forever Not Even Bucket Lists

Pittsburgh Bucket List

Have you made your bucket list? Now’s the time — write about the things you want to do and see before you become dust in the wind. When I hear this song, I don’t think of bucket lists. Bucket lists are sort of a middle and upper middle class concept, grounded in the idea that […]