A Queer Saturday Night in Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh Pride

S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y NIGHT! What’s your favorite way to spend Saturday night? Short answer – with Ledcat. We have a flexible agreement that Saturday night is “date night” – we might spend the day in angst or mandatory activity, but barring illness or unavoidable commitment – we try to do something fun on Saturday nights. But having […]

Honey, I’m Still Free


What’s the biggest chance you ever took? Did it work out? Do tell! The biggest chance I ever took was when I dropped out of graduate school and moved to Kentucky with one car load of possessions to work as a “lay missioner” for the Glenmary Sisters (an order of Catholic nuns.) It was a […]

Ice Cream Sunday

Klavon's Ice Cream

What’s your biggest junk food weakness? Tell us all about it in its sugary, salty, glory. When Laura and I first began to date (in 2003), we discovered a mutual fondness for ice cream and for the activity of visiting an ice cream spot – there are dozens in Pittsburgh. I grew up going to […]

16 Things About Me At 16

Pittsburgh Lesbian

Tell us all about the person you were at sixteen.  I turned 16 in October 1986, my junior year in high school. My father taught me to drive and purchased a second vehicle so I could take my mother places. The deal was that I could use it as much as I wanted as long […]

Blogging 201: Setting Goals

Blogging 201

I decided to embrace a new challenge – a 30 day blogging 201 exercise via Daily Prompts.  My assignment for today is to identify three goals for this blog. Because writing down goals forces you to think carefully about what success means to you — “success” is different for everyone. Because having goals helps you […]

General Hospital Dragged My Attention Away From the Gay Storyline

GH gay characters

Yinz know that I’ve spent the better part of a year waiting for the return of Lucas Jones to General Hospital and his big gay storyline. And I wasn’t terribly disappointed either with the slow build or the possibility of a gay male love triangle, especially one featuring two men of color. Slow is a […]

Ever Wish You Had a Fashionista Godmother?

Pittsburgh lesbian

Tell us all about your best confidence outfit. Don’t leave out the shoes or the perfect accessories. My life has changed so much over the past few years that this seemingly innocuous question gives me great pause. I’ve regained all the weight I lost when I was critically ill. I work from home so I […]

Saying Farewell to a Furry Member of The Family: RIP Natasha

Pittsburgh cat

This past weekend, Laura and I had the sad task of putting our 17-year-old cat Natasha to rest. It was a decision we made together and knew was for the best, but it was still sad. 17 is a long life for a cat and for the great majority of it, Natasha had a healthy […]

Dating Disasters That Make Me (Really) Appreciate 10+ Years With Ledcat

Pittsburgh Lesbian Dating

Ah, romance. I think my most amusing first date was with Patrick. We were set up by his sister-in-law. He invited me to go see the Corvette Museum in Bowling Green, KY (I lived in KY at the time.) I thought that was an interesting choice so I agreed. It was a 45 minute drive […]

Why I Like to Organize Drives and Collections

The first time I organized a collection, I promised college students a pizza party if they gathered the most recyclable cans in their common area. The year was 1992. I didn’t anticipate the creativity of freshmen male students who apparently ransacked all sorts of nearby residential communities. Thankfully, the Residential Director took pity on me […]