40 Days This Blog Illumined the Advent of the Holiday Season

Memories of Christmas and other holiday events are part of life’s sustenance, good and bad. They remind of what we’ve experienced and also teach us about who we are. Or perhaps who we aspire to be? Since 2005, I’ve written many blog posts about this holiday. Many describe events long before I was born but […]

The Chilly Return of the Steel City Snowflakes


They are back … Why Steel City Snowflakes? I’m proud to be a snowflake. It certainly doesn’t feel like a slur. Snowflakes are sturdy, powerful, and flexible. They change form. And as a cluster, they can shut down anything. How Does It Work? In 2020, we created the Steel City Snowflakes project. The dedicated web page on […]

Know That She Did Rage Against the Dying of the Light, The Life of Joyce Myers Shulick (1959-2023)

Beaver County LGBTQ

Joyce Myers Shulick was a lesbian hero during her life, but one whose modest contributions fade slowly into the mists of time. I refuse to allow that to happen. It matters that Joyce was here. It matters that she made an impact of any size. And it matters that we acknowledge a life lived always […]

The Legacy of Fire Truck Santa: West Mifflin

The third weekend in December meant more Advent candles, school winding down, and Fire truck Santa. Those of us who grew up with volunteer fire companies often enjoyed a tradition of someone’s Dad/Uncle/Cousin playing Santa. This while they circled every street, distributing lovely treats. The full sized Clark bar was my favorite. For me this […]

Now The Judge Said That I Can Be Inside My Home like Guard Dog

Guard Dog abuse

I’ve been following the comic strip Mutts. The creator has decided to set free Guard Dog, a supporting character who has been chained out back by his owners since 1995. It’s a heart wrenching story. His owners moved away and left him chained alone in the backyard. He withered. Earl and Mooch found him, got […]

Why Was Minnesota Trans Woman Savannah Williams Brutally Murdered?

Trans Woman Savannah Williams

Content Note: this post shares horrifying and brutal details about the murder of a trans woman of color in Minnesota. Read with care. A brutal execution claimed the life of a 38 year old Indigenous Latina trans woman in St Paul, Minnesota. Savannah Ryan Williams was shot point blank after she allegedly had mutual sexual […]

Holiday Spirits Captivate Pemberley for this City Theatre Production

The magic of Jane Austen brought a gift to Pittsburgh this month with the staging of Miss Bennett: Christmas at Pemberley by City Theatre. A reunion of (most of) the Bennett sisters for the holidays- at Pemberley no less – was just what this Jane Austen fan wanted. Miss Bennett is part of a holiday […]

How I’m Resisting Social Anxiety During These Holidays

social anxiety

Resisting social anxiety, holiday edition. Anxiety has been a mighty foe of mine since forever. In addition to missing outings and events, it has severed my ties to my friends and colleagues. My world grew much smaller, but I didn’t even feel it happening. When I was forced to leave my home 3+ months ago, […]

‘Mrs. Doubtfire’ Musical Deemed the Best Our Reviewer Has Seen

Mrs. Doubtfire

Elijah went to see the Cultural Trust production of Mrs. Doubtfire The Musical as part of the PNC Broadway in Pittsburgh series. We are experimenting with format, right now relying on embedded TikTok videos with closed captions. Elijah learns and expresses himself best using audio or video formats. Until we get video editing software, this […]

Pittsburgh’s LGBTQIA+ Commission Recognizes World AIDS Day

In 2022, 630,000 human beings died from AIDS including more than 4,000 people in the U.S. Globally,more than one person died from AIDS every minute — almost triple the 1988 rate, the year of the firstWorld AIDS Day. There are two main differences between 1988 and now. Today, the rate is declining,and has been since […]