Presidential Proclamation of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Pride Month, 2010

Presidential Proclamation of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Pride Month, 2010

Sue: Should be an interesting month for Pride/June this year.  THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release May 28, 2010 LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL, AND TRANSGENDER PRIDE MONTH, 2010 BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION As Americans, it is our birthright that all people are created equal […]

Trib Letter to Editor on Repeal of DADT

Trib Letter to Editor on Repeal of DADT

Groan.  Colonel Richard Young of Texas, formerly of Ellwood Cty has a letter to the editor in the Trib.  He argues against the repeal of DADT because it will impinge on military chaplains.  While chaplains are willing to minister to everyone, including people they disagree with, they cannot allow the government to censor parts of […]

Stop recruiting me.

Stop recruiting me.

I don't like being told what to do.  I support Joe Hoeffel and I think an impressive turnout from the progressive base will help Sestak AND send a message that we are a force.  I get that there are progressives who support other candidates and believe sincerely they are doing the right thing.  Which they […]

The Meanest Town in America and a Foster Care Bill in Pennsylvania

The Meanest Town in America and a Foster Care Bill in Pennsylvania

Quite a disturing tale from Mississippi …. you remember Constance McMillen who just wanted to take her girlfriend to the prom.  Then came outrage, banishment, the ACLU, court cases, media frenzy … and a fake prom.  Yes, the senior class held a “private prom” and sent Constance, her date and five special needs children to […]

Civil Union Legislation May Be Introduced in PA House

Civil Union Legislation May Be Introduced in PA House

From the Philly Gay News … A Pennsylvania lawmaker is gathering legislative support for a bill that would make civil unions for same-sex couples a reality in the Keystone State. The measure, the first of its kind in the Pennsylvania legislature, is being spearheaded by Pennsylvania Rep. Mark Cohen (D-202nd Dist.). Cohen said he’s so […]

Of endorsements …

Of endorsements …

The Steel City Stonewall Endorsement meeting was held Sunday afternoon on the Northshore. For a glimpse into “live” coverage, check out the hashtag PghGayPick.  I was a little caught up in the 140 character frenzy because I wrote most of these tweets and can't interpret a few of them 🙂  Kudos to tweeps @Bram_R and @Maria_In_Pgh (who […]

PghGayPick TODAY

PghGayPick TODAY

The Steel City Stonewall Endorsement meeting is here, today and I'm pretty excited. How fare we've come since I was the lone blogger reporting from last year's event. This year we'll have a variety of instantaneous feedback via the various tweeps planning to attend (hashtag #PghGayPick) along with the usual bloggers. What's most exciting is […]

PA Lesbian Married Couple Denied Divorce in Pennsylvania

PA Lesbian Married Couple Denied Divorce in Pennsylvania

From Berks County comes word of a Pennsylvania lesbian couple stuck in legal limbo.  They married in Massachusetts, but to obtain a Massachusetts divorce will need to reside there for one year.  To get divorced in Pennsylvania, their marriage has to be legal in Pennsylvania which it is not.  Thus, their divorce petition was turned […]

Big Day/Week of Pink Advocacy: Pgh Part of History

Pennsylvania has been part of history this week with a groundswell of action to successfully squelch the Marriage Protection Amendment (plus, our own Pgh Blog for Equality).  Yeah, us! Today, eyes turned first to the Internet, then DC, then more to DC and now as I type … across the nation. The day started with […]

Janet Edwards on DC Catholic Diocese decision regarding family benefits

Janet Edwards on DC Catholic Diocese decision regarding family benefits

Pittsburgh's own Reverend Janet Edwards examines the decision of former Pittsburgher, now D.C.'s Archbishop Donad Wuerl to eliminate family benefits (including health care) for Catholic Charities.  This came in response to the legalization of marriage equality in D.C.  As we wrote last month, Reverend Edwards is now a regular contributor to the Washington Post blog, […]