Help Me Distribute Personal Care Items With Dignity

Personal Care Closet Pittsburgh

While debates rage over people utilizing food stamps to purchase lobster and soda pop, there is little public discussion about the things SNAP can’t buy. Soap Toothpaste Deodorant You also cannot buy toilet paper, diapers or laundry detergent. Are any of these luxuries in your household? What would you sacrifice to pay for gas to […]

Stryker: Trans issues at ‘a historical moment’

We’re at a “historical moment in the media” for trans people, says Susan Stryker, historian, author, filmmaker, activist and director of the Institute for LGBT Studies at the University of Arizona. Stryker delivered the annual Margaret Morrison Lecture at Carnegie Mellon University on Monday. Part of CMU’s celebration of Women’s History Month, the lecture is […]

Former Corbett Admin Deputy Secretary Compares Lesbian to Anti-Semite

This is priceless. I wrote a blog post reviewing a local fish fry at Most Holy Name of Jesus Catholic parish in Troy Hill. Apparently, the fact that I set foot in a Catholic church offended someone (technically, I was just in the social hall but whatevs.)   Mr. Philip Abromats was until March last […]

Fish Fry Review: Most Holy Name of Jesus (Troy Hill)

Pittsburgh Fish Fry

Random review of #fishburgh adventures during Lent. Find a fish fry on this Google maps collection. You can also follow them on Facebook and find tons of reviews and suggestions. Name: Most Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Parish Date: Friday, March 28, 2014 Time We Ate: 5:30 PM Location: Troy Hill (Northside) 3600 Mt Troy Rd We selected this […]

Bullies and The Steeler Nation


Bisexuality In The News, New Group Forms in Pittsburgh

Bisexual Umbrella

  March is Bisexual Health Awareness Month. There have been several important media pieces lately that might interest you. Chronologically: New York Times piece “The Scientific Quest to Prove Bisexuality Exists” which has some troubling elements A response piece on Autostraddle which delves into those elements “The Journalistic Quest to Write an Accurate Story About […]

This Blog Post Is Filler

I have blogged every single day since October 1, 2013 as part of NaBloPoMo and using the Daily Prompts blogging website. That’s almost 6 solid months of daily blogging, sometimes more often. Until today. Today, I had nothing. The daily prompt asked me if I have confidence. I think that might be the most boring […]

Is There a 2.5 Wave Feminism?

This is a random thought that’s been going through my mind for about ten years or so – I guess concurrent with my work as a queer activist.   I was born in 1970 so I was raised with Second Wave Feminism influences, but not really penetrating my world – I had no feminists in […]

Memories Muscles

holiday giving charity festivus

What are the three most memorable moments — good or bad, happy or sad — in your life? Go! This is a difficult question for me because my memories are often distorted. Bad memories tend to always trump good memories. The good ones are there, but I have to put a lot more effort into […]

One Shade of Grey

Do you share any physical resemblance or personality trait with one of your female ancestors? Who? What is it? Ah, interesting question because I look exactly like my Dad. But I do have my mother’s premature grey hair. All of the women in her family live with this affliction. I never saw my mother with […]