I Saw Ledcat Lingering

Tell us about times in which you linger — when you don’t want an event, or a day to end. What is it you love about these times? Why do you wish you could linger forever? I linger where and when I find contentment. Sometimes that’s by myself in a coffeehouse sipping a beverage I […]

TX Statewide Prayer Vigils for Crystal Jackson, Britney Cosby This Weds

via Lone Star Q

Pittsburgh Meme FB Page Renews Transphobic, Racist Content

It is a little disheartening to realize that several more of my friends “liked” this page (although one told he is monitoring the enemy – ahem, okay.)  You can look at the page without liking it. I wonder if they realize this fact? But even more disheartening to see this transphobic meme moved back up […]

Fish Fry Review: Risen Lord Catholic Church, Marshall-Shadeland

Pittsburgh Fish Fry

Random review of #fishburgh adventures during Lent. Find a fish fry on this Google maps collection. You can also follow them on Facebook and find tons of reviews and suggestions. Date: Friday March 14, 2013 Time We Ate: 5 PM (check the website for hours) Location: Risen Lord Roman Catholic Church 3250 California Avenue (Marshall Shadeland neighborhood) […]

No News Here

Newsmakers? Did you have a female ancestor who made the news? Why? Was she famous or notorious? Did she appear in the social column? I’ve been in the news quite a bit, usually because I’m being mouthy about some issue or cause or something – like helping poor people or fighting discrimination. And yeah there […]

Father of Murdered Woman Arrested in Connection With Deaths of Houston Lesbian Couple

Crystal Jackson and Britney Crosbey

In a shocking turn of events, the father of Britney Cosby was arrested today on charges related to the murder of Cosby and her girlfriend, Crystal Jackson.  The bodies of the women were found near a dumpster in Galveston. From the Houston ABC affiliate KTRK: Galveston county investigators arrested James Larry Cosby, 46, Thursday morning. […]

Growing Up Irish Under False Pretenses

With a surname of “Kerr” you probably aren’t too shocked to learn that I’m part Irish. What was shocking to me was when I learned the whole story about my ethnicity. I grew up in blue-collar West Mifflin, the daughter of a steel family. We were Kerr’s and Pryor’s – and everyone told me that […]

The Best Friend I Ever Had

Tell us the origin story of your best friend. This is a sad story so it took me awhile to write it today. I met John in the spring of 1985. His mother purchased the house next to my parents and I saw him in the driveway one day unloading his car – he was […]

Britney Cosby, Crystal Jackson – Their Lives As Queer Women of Color Mattered

Crystal Jackson and Britney Crosbey

The tragic murders of 24-year-old lesbian couple Britney Cosby and Crystal Jackson continues to unfold with few leads. The police are circulating a sketch and believe that the women were killed and their bodies moved to the spot where they were discovered, next to a dumpster in Galveston, Texas. There’s no indication if this crime […]

Leaving Pittsburgh

Leaving Pittsburgh

Life is a series of beginnings and endings. We leave one job to start another; we quit cities, countries, or continents for a fresh start; we leave lovers and begin new relationships. What was the last thing you contemplated leaving? What were the pros and cons? Have you made up your mind? What will you […]