Because I’m a Survivor
Are you stubborn as a grass stain or as easy going as a light breeze on a warm day? Tell us about the ways in which you’re stubborn — which issues make you dig your heels in and refuse to budge? )
Are you stubborn as a grass stain or as easy going as a light breeze on a warm day? Tell us about the ways in which you’re stubborn — which issues make you dig your heels in and refuse to budge? )
I would totally drive to DC to recreate this photo. Emphasis on totally which really means Ledcat would drive. I can’t decide if it would be more fun to take another photo with Rick Santorum or pose with Kevin Spacey. What do you think? BTW, 2016 November will make the 25th anniversary of this intern […]
There has been some progress into the apparent murder of two 24-year-old lesbians from Houston, Texas. Britney Cosby (her name has been reported in multiple spellings and she used Itain’tez Bnbreeze Cosby on Facebook) and Crystal Jackson traveled to Galveston, Texas for Mardi Gras and their bodies were found later near a dumpster. I just want […]
How has blogging changed your life? Tell us one thing that is different now than from before you started blogging. I have stuck with blogging longer than I have done almost anything else in my life – longer than any one job, longer than all relationships with the exception of Ledcat, longer than any project […]
We are aware of the breaking news from Galveston, Texas of the deaths of 24 year old Britney Crosby and her girlfriend Crystal Jackson also 24, both from Houston. We hope to have more details soon. The bodies of two Houston women, a lesbian couple, were discovered near a dumpster in Galveston County, Texas. Crystal […]
This is why we can’t have nice things in Pittsburgh. Content Notes: lots of hate. And few allies calling it out. I pretty much think of any new “rah rah Pittsburgh” effort as a reflection on the #NextPgh concept. And this is not always good. There’s a new Facebook Page called “Pittsburgh Meme” that is […]
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We are honored to have six nominations across five categories in the final round of the 2014 Readers Choice Awards. Awards and lists are always nice, but this has a very special level of meaning to me because the readers are LGBTQ residents in this region. Please vote – there are 16 categories and lots […]
Share a favorite recipe from your mother or grandmother’s kitchen. Why is this dish your favorite? If you don’t have one that’s been passed down, describe a favorite holiday or other meal you shared with your family. I haven’t made this in several years and it isn’t a dish of which I am particularly fond, […]
What’s the most crazy, outrageously impulsive thing you’ve ever done? I was not an impulsive kid. I was unhappy and anxious, but I did what was expected of me for the most part. I also learned early on to carefully watch for opportunities – an extension of a survival instinct. I rarely did the unexpected […]
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