I Dropped Out of Grad School To Become a Missionary

Todd County Kentucky

 What’s the most crazy, outrageously impulsive thing you’ve ever done?  I was not an impulsive kid. I was unhappy and anxious, but I did what was expected of me for the most part. I also learned early on to carefully watch for opportunities – an extension of  a survival instinct. I rarely did the unexpected […]

Lesbian Traditions

Klavon's Ice Cream

What are your favorite traditions, large and small? What is it about your traditions that keep them going strong for you? One of my favorite summertime Ledcat & Sue traditions was “Ice Cream Sunday” – after dinner, we would head over to Klavon’s Ice Cream in the Strip District. Sometimes we would invite friends to […]

Does Pittsburgh Permit LGBTQ Groups in St. Patrick’s Day Parade?

pittsburgh st. patrick's day parade

I’ve been trying to get an answer on this for weeks with no luck. Does The Irish Society for Education & Charity permit LGBTQ groups and organizations to march in the Pittsburgh parade with signage? I can’t get anyone to talk with me about this.  Tonight, tv news told me that the City of Pittsburgh will […]

I’m Officially a Social Media Maven

It has been a long climb from the valley of the shadows of the person most likely to post their cereal choices on Facebook, but I made it! A ha! I may have carpal tunnel syndrome from 8+ years of blogging, composing 30K tweets and hanging out with my 2600 best friends on Facebook, but […]

When I First Saw Your Face

Kerr wedding

The prompt – describe how my grandparents/parents met. My maternal grandparents (Jim and Val) allegedly met at a radio station in Butler County. She was working as a receptionist or clerk or something and he was a salesman. I think they eloped soon after and he ended up working in the mill in Homestead (but […]

Review: Get Your Glow Facials

Several years ago, our friend Joe Skoski asked us to be testers for a new all-natural facial he was developing. So we schlepped up to his house and each of us had a turn to stretch out on the massage table and receive an hour-long facial. Joe explained to us step-by-step what he was doing […]

So Where the Heck is the Lesbian Content?

Someone asked me if I had decided to stop writing about LGBTQ “stuff” – I suppose my recent posts have been a bit eclectic. But they are about me and I am LGBTQ so I think it is a fit. I realize there is a lot happening in the world so let me offer up […]

The Scholarship I Almost Won Might Help Me Change The World

Tell us about a situation where you’d hoped against all hope, where the odds were completely stacked against you, yet you triumphed. In 2013, I was granted a partial scholarship to attend the Netroots Nation Conference in San Jose, California. However, I needed more because I have to bring Ledcat with me – traveling by […]

Congrats to Our Mary Lambert EP Winners

Free Fall Movie

Congrats to Becky, Heidi, Amanda and Lisa – the winners of Mary Lambert’s debut EP  “Welcome to the Age of My Body.” I heard they received their EP’s over the weekend and are now enjoying her dulcet tone. Our next giveaway will kick off at week’s end – two copies of the movie “Free Fall” which […]

Are There Five Interesting Facts About Me?

Today’s prompts – 3 in 1! 1. I was born in Upper St. Clair, lived in Mt. Lebanon and then Baldwin before landing in West Mifflin at the tender age of 2. My parents still live in West Mifflin. My earliest memory of our home in West Mifflin is the smell of a diaper pail […]