I May Be Running Out Of Things To Say

(If you said to yourself  “good” I can’t really blame you.) Today was a perfectly normal day. I woke up and Ledcat had gone to work early. I fed the dogs, fed the cats, fed me and made coffee. I read the paper online. Well, sort of read because the Post-Gazette website is just infuriating […]

Inside the ‘frozen closet’

Pretty much everyone knows about the Russian government’s persecution of LGBTQ people—and the protests, both small and large, planned for the upcoming Winter Olympics in Sochi. But did you know that some gay people are facing discrimination from their own U.S. sanctioning bodies? Newsweek has a fascinating story about how U.S. Figure Skating officials and […]

Why I’ll Never Be a Great Blogger

The Sincerest Form of Flattery Publish a post in the style of a favorite author/blogger or photographer. I’m not sure that I have favorite bloggers or I pay close attention to their writing style, close enough to copy it. The thing I like about their blogging is that they write well. Notice how I shifted […]

The Reese’s Discussion

Laura looks askance at my Reese’s Cups. “Didn’t you buy those for me?” Me, clutching candy to my chest. “That’s another package. I bought these for me, they were in my purse.” Laura glances to the kitchen. “Then where are mine?” Me “Well, where did you put them? I am not in charge of candy distribution. I […]

When I Broke Up With Coke

Happy Endings Tell us about something you’ve tried to quit. Did you go cold turkey, or for gradual change? Did it stick? I grew up with pop (soda) as a treat. My parents were firm about drinking milk for dinner whether at home or in a restaurant (in those days, no restaurants served juice.) Occasionally, […]

Five Queerability Life Hacks For A Lesbian With the Flu

Update: For those who are new to my blog, I am living with disability but this post is intended to explore how getting a routine sickness exacerbates things – in this case, how the flu impacts our everyday queerability, not to suggest the flu is the same thing as a disability! Sorry for any confusion. […]

Are Lesbians a Little Too Tart?

Did you feel a lot of pressure with January’s NaBloPoMo? As I wrap up my fourth month of continuous daily blogging, I have to admit that January was a pressure month.  A few times, I felt pressured to come up with something – anything – to write about on my blog. Other days, the ideas […]

Why Do Young People Think ‘Just One Step’ =s Accessibility?

Generation XYZ Think about the generation immediately younger or older than you. What do you understand least about them — and what can you learn from them? I am a member of Generation X (born in 1970) so this is a difficult question for me to address. Technically, the next generation would be Millenials (born […]

Persuasion is Spelled with Three R’s


If you could persuade people to do one thing right now, what would it be? Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Here’s why –  this is a change in behavior that requires a lot of attention to detail, planning, read of labels and so forth. It even requires some moderate increase in physical activity. So it has immediate […]

Can A Lesbian Be Influential in Pittsburgh?

Are you good at influencing other people? No.