What Sort of Music – Just Sing a Song

Sesame Street Sing

Have you ever played in a band? Tell us all about that experience of making music with friends. If you’ve never been in a band, imagine you’re forming a band with some good friends. What instrument do you play in the band and why? What sort of music will you play? Fun question. I was […]

Eric Himan Tells Arizona He’s “Not Going Anywhere Tonight”

Eric Himan song about Arizona

I couldn’t take it. I had to write this song and put it out there.” I urge everyone to take it seriously. Bills like this could easily find its way across our country. Let’s stop it now and continue our fight for our freedom to live as ordinary citizens with equal rights under the law. […]

I turned 12 and then 13 and then 16 and now I’m 43

12 ball

You’re 12 years old. It’s your birthday. Write for ten minutes on that memory. GO. I hate these questions because most of the time – I don’t remember. Like many survivors of neglect and trauma, I don’t remember. Or I do remember, but much in the way I recall the storyline from a book or […]

I’m Not Afraid of Lunar Monsters

Boot Cast

What giant step did you take where you hoped your leg wouldn’t break? Was it worth it, were you successful in walking on the moon, or did your leg break? I’ve never had a broken leg. I sprained my ankle in high school when I stumbled down some steps. And I did have hairline fractures […]

The Worst Breakup Story

Madonna Crazy For You Soundtrack to 9th grade heartache

Tell us your best worst breakup story.  I suppose the *worst* story was the time I was dumped on my birthday in a Red Lobster. How undignified. Cheddar Bay Biscuits never tasted the same afterwards. I don’t really have many interesting stories to tell. I do have several amusing disastrous Internet dating stories Calamine Lotion […]

Six Things You Can Do To Help a Friend With Depression Have a Better Day

Girl Scout Cookies

“But I don’t know what to say/do” is something I hear often when talking about mental health. “I thought it would be best to just let you work it out. You know I am here.” Well, that’s a bunch of hooey. Do you let your friends coping with the aftereffects of chemo tough it out until […]

National Week To Make Good On Your Promise To Grab Coffee

coffee pittsburgh lesbian

Did you know this is a thing? Did you know that we have a Facebook list of Pgh Coffeehouses? You can follow it!  We also have a Twitter list. Follow that here. 

Depressionista Fashion?

To no one’s shock, I’ll readily confess that I am battling a bout of depression. So a daily blog prompt question like ” Describe your favorite fashions from days of yore or current trends you think are stylin’” absolutely does nothing for me. Well, to be totally honest, it does momentarily give me a new lens […]

Welcome To Pgh’s Newest LGBTQ Blog (and Revisiting a Few “Oldies”)

Good new for Pittsburgh – there’s a new blog in town. InsideOUT Pittsburgh bills itself as a “lifestyle and culture” blog covering the LGBT community.   This gave us a good reason to remind you of some of the other treasures in the Pittsburgh blogosphere TransPridePgh has a blog and a very important component is […]

Can You Abide With Me?

You. We know *you* are vice-free, dear Daily Post reader. But, or perhaps we should say, “butt,” others around you and in your life are riddled with vices: they smoke; they eat too much celery; they hog the covers; they can’t keep their hands out of the office candy bowl. Which vice or bad habit can you […]