Gold Star Lesbian

Gold Star Lesbian

So this made me laugh. I recently earned my “Gold Star” status from Starbucks thanks to copious amount of dark roast and chai lattes for Ledcat. Now I get free refills! You might be familiar with the term “Gold Star” lesbian which usually refers to a lesbian who has not had sexual intercourse with a […]

Keep away from-a Runaround Sue

Dangerous Blogger

Do you have a reputation? What is it, and where did it come from? Is it accurate? What do you think about it? Oh, ha ha, this is an amusing prompt. Of course I have a reputation, multiple reputations. I am a woman with opinions who has the audacity to voice them and not always […]

How To Fold A Tote Bag (Project)

Tell us about a time things came this close to working out… but didn’t. What happened next? Would you like the chance to try again, or are you happy with how things eventually worked out? This is a prompt guaranteed to launch a thousand “what might have been” tales of woe and heartache. Once upon a time, […]

Pitt Health Study Explores Disparities in LGBT Research

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports on new research published today. The National Institutes of Health funded only a negligible number of studies researching the health of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people over more than two decades, according to an analysis led by the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health. Because of that, health […]

Five Year Anniversary of a Public Hearing Should Generate More Activism in Pennsylvania

Franco Harris Pittsburgh

Tell us about a time when everything actually turned out exactly as you’d hoped. Five years ago today, Allegheny County Council held a public hearing on a non-discrimination ordinance which included sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression. You can read 78 pages of public testimony here. Some of it is brilliant, some of it […]

I am not grace under pressure. I am necessity under pressure.

“Courage is grace under pressure” is a famous quotation by Ernest Hemingway. Tell us about a personal moment of your grace under pressure. I’m having more fun researching the quotes than I expected. This is actually not an accurate quote, nor did Hemingway himself write it.The character said the following in a movie about Hemingway: […]

Facebook! Like Us, Please!

Facebook Lesbian Pittsburgh


Strongly Afraid

Marge Piercy said: “A strong woman is a woman determined to do something others are determined not be done.” Tell us about a time when you did what couldn’t be done. As I review various advocacy projects in my mind that fit this criteria, I realize how the devil is in the detail. For example, […]

If I Could Guarantee These People Read My Blog

Pittsburgh Lesbian

If you could have a guarantee that one, specific person was reading your blog, who would you want that person to be? Why? What do you want to say to them? I have a list. It is not in order of preference. First, Mayor Bill Peduto’s deputy chief of staff, John Fournier. It would be […]

My Selfie Won a One-Year Subscription to Bitch Magazine

#365FeministSelfie Bitch Magazine

This is uber-cool, my friends. The first photo I took as part of #365FeministSelfie earned me a subscription to my favorite magazine (so really a free renewal which is awesome!) Talk about positive reinforcement of a plan! I think Gary  Vaynerchuk would approve. I also gotta give Bitch Media props for using Instagram so well. […]