Virginia? Yeah, I'm sending my lunch money to Joe Hoeffel – lessons for Pennsylvania

Virginia? Yeah, I'm sending my lunch money to Joe Hoeffel – lessons for Pennsylvania

What a bizarre twist of events. Virginia does not include sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression as protected classes in the state's anti-discrimination laws.  Some Universities, Colleges and private employers in Virginia do include some or all of these classes. Recently, the Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli (R) issued a legal opinion aka warning to […]

Sunday Interests

Sunday Interests

A race is on for a local state House seat currently held by Mike Turzai (R) who voted in 2006 to amend the PA Constitution to “protect” marriage.  Democrat Sharon Brown of McCandless is challenging him.  Turzai is not supporting HB 300.  The marriage equality bills and hate crimes legislation haven't been introduced in the […]

Ancestry and the Census

Ancestry and the Census

A burning question for me has always been “Who else in my family is gay?”  I'm an amateur geneaologist of sorts.  I've been working on the family tree for about 10 years and have close to 1300 individuals listed.  Mind you, a lot of these folks are sideways branches … plus Ledcat's family and a […]

Doesn't it just make you crazy?

Doesn't it just make you crazy?

Rumors are flying about the impending snowstorm scheduled for Monday.  2-3, 4-6, 8-12.  Does it really matter? Ick. I was trying to remember how I learned to drive in the snow.  Do you remember your first time behind the wheel in the snow?  Then I realize I've been driving for 24 years and start to […]

Things you should know about today!

Things you should know about today!

HuffPo has a good piece about Immigration Equality. Have you considered the impact second-class citizenship has on families where one parent faces the possibility of deportation?  Not because they are here illegally or have done anything wrong, but because heterosexual families can use a legal marriage to sponsor their loved one.  A documentary debuts today.  […]

Is it time for LGBTQ activists to pay Mr. Onorato a faith-based visit?

Is it time for LGBTQ activists to pay Mr. Onorato a faith-based visit?

Lez Get Real has a story on a planned direct action at the Cathedral in Chicago led by long-time activist Andy Thayer. To back his point Thayer told LGR, “This is not just about the equal right to marry. In Illinois, Cardinal George and his predecessors over the years have worked behind the scenes to […]

Why does Harold Ford's run for the Senate impact Onorato?

Why does Harold Ford's run for the Senate impact Onorato?

The New York Times interviewed Emily Ford, wife of candidate for the open Senate Seat from New York.  In this interview, she takes some credit for Ford's recent much lauded turnabout on LGBTQ issues. Already, some members of the Democratic establishment have accused him of reversing his opposition to same-sex marriage and to flipping from […]

Rev Janet Edwards now regular contributor to national faith blog

Rev Janet Edwards now regular contributor to national faith blog

Reverend Janet Edwards let me know that she is now a regular contributor to the “On Faith” section vis a vis Newsweek and Washington Post.  Here's a link to her contributions thus far.  Her most recent piece is about the Super Bowl: I see this as an expensive effort on the part of Focus on […]

Looking to volunteer in Pgh's LGBT community?

Looking to volunteer in Pgh's LGBT community?

If it is politics and advocacy that catch your fancy, then Steel City Stonewall Democrats has several opportunities to get involved.  – Social Media Editor – Development Director – Recording Secretary Steel City is a great way to make an impact whether your issue is marriage equality, Don't Ask, Don't Tell or you just want […]

A few things of interest

A few things of interest

The Post-Gazette sums up Sunday's Gubernatorial Debate with nothing particularly earthshattering with regard to LGBT political news. This was during the 14th Ward Independent Democratic Political Club debate, considered one of the most significant progressive endorsements in the region. On abortion rights and gay marriage, Mr. Hoeffel and Mr. Doherty repeated their more liberal positions, […]