How Tom Michalow Proved He Is An LGBTQ Ally With One Envelope

Tom Michalow

Remember when I was discussing how not to ask a lesbian household for a donation? That discussion was picked up by non-profit fundraisers as part of a larger issue of simply how to address increasingly diverse families in manners that are respectful across multiple cultures. It has been interesting to participate in those discussions, but […]

The journalist and the inventor

If you haven’t heard, the “Dr. V” case is burning up the Internet tubes, especially LGBTQ blogs and journalism websites. A writer for Grantland—a sports and pop-culture website owned by ESPN, which is in turn owned by The Walt Disney Co.—was assigned to investigate a miraculous new golf club and its inventor, Dr. Essay Anne […]

It Is A Cocoversary!

Post by Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents.

Oh, I Cry Over Spilt Milk

Another day to combine prompts. This time: Do you have a bad temper? How often do you lose your temper? Look in the mirror. Does the person you see match the person you feel like on the inside? How much stock do you put in appearances? I’ve been looking in the mirror for over a […]

Hurry! The Polar Vortex is Here!

Guest Blog Post by Precious and Coco (Kitty Cats): How To Be The Perfect Cat Person

Cat Perfection

Perfection? No, no no. Purrfection should be the goal. If you achieve purrfection, we will reward you by purring in your arms or on your lap. First, we want fed or we want access to food. If you don’t put the food dishes on the floor quickly enough in the morning, you get one warning […]

I’d Rather Remember My 39th Birthday

Do you still feel pressure of conform? If no, what age did it stop? Also, Write a post inspired by your sixteenth birthday. Oh, my dear question generator, you are obviously not part of a subculture or a subculture within a subculture. The “pressure to conform” to being straight is all around you. Open the newspaper […]

CoffeeHouse Tour 2014: Delanie’s Coffee on the South Side

Coffee House Review

Part of my 2014 Adventures in New Experiences is a little mini-resolution to try at least one new coffeehouse each month. For January, I chose Delanie’s Coffee on the South Side. It in the 1700 block near our favorite restaurant (Cambod-Ican Kitchen) so we’ve walked by a dozen times. Usually a soon to be expiring […]

Goal Achieved: Cathy Cairns Final Wishes Are Met Thanks to You

Cathy Cairns

This is mixed emotion type of blog post. I want to thank you for your donations to help pay for the final expenses of local social worker and advocate Cathy Cairns. Friday evening, one of the organizers posted this: Everyone,  Including the many checks we have received in Cathy’s name, you have raised $8725. This […]

How a Dying Mall Taught Me Survival Skills

You’ve been kidnapped and given a choice: would you rather be stranded on an island, dropped into an unknown forest, or locked in a strange building? As a fan of procedural dramas on television as well having spent more of my life working inside buildings, I would have the best chance to survive inside a […]