Saturday on the couch with a cup of coffee

Saturday on the couch with a cup of coffee

The boys decided they really had to visit the backyard at 6:30 AM so up I got.  Now I'm coffee'd up and had the wonderful joy of listening to my neighbor laying on her horn for ten minutes to get her kids out of the door.  Which brings me to the number one topic of […]



Peduto endorses Joe Hoeffel. “Joe Hoeffel is a progressive leader who will fight for Pennsylvania,” Peduto said. “I am supporting Joe, because he understands the challenges facing communities like Pittsburgh, and he isn’t afraid to make the tough decisions to change the direction of our economy for the benefit of working families. He has a […]

Onorato favors "civil unions" but denies his gay employees health insurance for their families

Onorato favors "civil unions" but denies his gay employees health insurance for their families

Yeah, I'm that impressed with the tip I received last night that Onorato had publicly stated his support for civil union at a rally in York, PA yesterday afternoon.  I confirmed with a campaign source, but I don't have any further details.  This is a long way from the candidate who simply refused to answer […]

Friday Random

Friday Random

Marriage equality dealt another blow in New Jersey when the NJ Senate votes down the bill. Please, please don't let this issue drive PA in 2010.  Please.  The Mayor plans to introduce rules which would expand his “zero tolerance” approach to domestic violence to the entire City workforce, not just the police.  One of my main […]

Of gay funerals and gay retirements

Of gay funerals and gay retirements

It has been suggested to me that the Post-Gazette and other local media sources are weak on coverage of LGBTQ stories, suggested that this is conventional wisdom. I disagree.  While our local media needs improvement, the PG is particularly attentive to LGBTQ issues. I suspect the issue is that the local media doesn't act as a […]

Untitled by Kevin Acklin

Untitled by Kevin Acklin

Congratulations to the Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents blog for a trail blazing fourth year anniversary on the Pittsburgh blogosphere! I am humbled and truly honored to provide my perspective on Sue Kerr and her blog's dramatic impact on our community and our continued battle for greater equality. Many of you may know me as the Independent […]

Post Holiday Round Up

Post Holiday Round Up

Prepare for a week of year end “round up” columns and stories, “Best Ofs” and all sorts of summaries by the opinion leaders.  E.J. Dionne identifies a 2009 shift: It is 2009's quiet story — quiet because it's about what didn't happen, which can be as important as what did. In this highly partisan year, […]

Friday Round Up

Friday Round Up

Feministing take on the Uganda Hate Bill. But it's important to remember that this bill is still AN ANTI-GAY BILL. No matter the severity of the suggested “punishment” for homosexuality, the premise is uber-problematic. I also think it's important to remember that the anti-gay sentiment that created the bill has not been eradicated. Good point. […]

Scott Mervis on the Boss — funny? amusing? lame? what say you ..

Scott Mervis on the Boss — funny? amusing? lame?  what say you ..

Yesterday, I posted a statement from Bruce Springsteen in support of marriage equality. “Like many of you who live in New Jersey, I've been following the progress of the marriage-equality legislation currently being considered in Trenton. I've long believed in and have always spoken out for the rights of same sex couples and fully agree […]

Weekend Wrap Up

Weekend Wrap Up

At the Bill Peduto fundraiser, we ran into Kevin Acklin who told us how much fun it was to watch the “Do They Know Its Christmas” video — what a blast from the past.  What's happening in the blogosphere this weekend? Pam's House Blend weighs in on Tiger Woods (love the “zipper down brigade” comment), […]