Dear World. The End.

Pittsburgh Lesbian

Daily Prompt: You have 15 minutes to address the whole world live (on television or radio — choose your format). What would you say? “Dear World, Please read my blog. There’s a reason why I opted for this media to share my thoughts and insight rather than accepting 15 minutes of fame and a microphone. Thank […]

Saturday Memory: The Little Drummer Boy via Rankin and Bass

Drummer Boy

I’m a huge fan of Rankin and Bass stop motion specials, but one really stood out for me – The Little Drummer Boy from 1968. I have several memories of sitting cross-legged in front of our family television watching it and trying to put it in perspective with the lessons I was learning about Christmas […]

Nellie McKay: “At Home I’m a Dyke – In Public I’m Flaming”

Nellie McKay

Nellie McKay. It is a bit of a challenge to find a way to describe her using just words. Even her music – it is the performances (I’ve only seen her in video) that have a life of their own, more than the music but completely embedded in the music. So I’m thrilled to have […]

I Wanna Go To Starbucks for Adult Conversation

lesbian cat

The Prompt: What do you wish you had more time to do each day? Oh, this is easy – I would  like more time to talk with Ledcat. Our morning conversations are usually a series of short grunts, mumbles, reminders as she gets ready to leave for work and I try to get ready to do […]

These Are Five of My Favorite Things

Sound of Music

A classic question, revisited: what are the five items you must have on a deserted island? It is a challenge to take this question seriously – it’s so pop psychology meets Facebook meme with a dash of 19th century fascination with all things exotic and deserted thrown in for good measure. I mean you rationalize […]

The Tow Truck Driver Drove a Chariot

Daily Prompt: Sink or Swim Tell us about a time when you were left on your own, to fend for yourself in an overwhelming situation — on the job, at home, at school. What was the outcome? Once upon a time, I drove a group of adults with developmental disabilities to Harrisburg to participate in […]

I’m a Words With Friends Failure

Growing up, most of my friends refused to play Scrabble with me. Not only was I a “big word” person, I was obnoxious about winning and completely oblivious to how rude I could be. The only person who would consistently play with me was my Mum who not only wanted me to be a “big […]

Can Lesbians Disappear At Will?

Daily Prompt: Now You See Me You have a secret superpower: the ability to appear and disappear at will. When and where will you use this new superpower? Tell us a story. I’m stumped. Thinking of a scenario where the unexpected appearance of a middle-aged white lesbian who can barely use a pen doesn’t exactly […]

Nobody here but us chickens

(I’ve been trying to write this for a week. If it seems disjointed, that’s why.) Last Monday, the Episcopal bishop of Pittsburgh authorized same-sex blessing ceremonies, and made clear that being gay or lesbian, and in a committed relationship, is no barrier to becoming a priest or deacon in the church. I’ve written about my […]

Overheard At Work: “Tone Down the Gay”

Daily Prompt: Hear No Evil Tell us about a conversation you couldn’t help but overhear and wish you hadn’t. One day, I attended an early morning work meeting (this was awhile ago) and made casual conversation with the others in attendance by sharing an anecdote about the gas company waking Ledcat and me up super […]