Toys For Tots Pittsburgh Distribution 2013

Play It Forward and Toys for Tots are open & welcoming to LGBTQ families. If you have an experience that reflects otherwise, please let me know so I can pass it along.  LGBTQ families can also approach the GLCC for some outerwear items, but no toys or gifts at this time. Note: Play It Forward […]

My First Friend

The Prompts: Tell us about your first friend. And describe an outfit that makes you feel good. (It can be from any period of your life.) Double points if you post a picture of yourself in the outfit. These two prompt are interconnected for me. My first friend was Amy Koempel. She was 9 months […]

What she said

“So if people ever wonder why I get angry at why we haven’t made the world more trans friendly yesterday, this is why. “Murder is rarely about the individual who does the killing. It’s about the systemtic tranphobic discrimination all of these individuals experienced before they died. It’s about how hard it can be to […]

WTF, indeed

In the wake of Sue’s post about “Mike and Molly,” I have been trying to write something nuanced and thoughtful about another negative depiction of transgender people, and I am failing miserably. I am failing because the bile just keeps coming up in my throat and I keep getting angry. Here’s what happened: I am […]

Transgender Day of Remembrance

Wednesday, November 20 is the Transgender Day of Remembrance.   The Transgender Day of Remembrance is held in November each year to memorializ   e those who were killed due to anti-transgender hatred or prejudice. Although not every person represented during the Day of Remembrance self-identified as transgender, each was a victim of violence based […]

I’m Afraid To Get Gay-Married

Daily Prompt: Fright Night  What’s the thing you’re most scared to do? What would it take to get you to do it? This prompt caught me off guard. I can rattle off a list of things I’m afraid of happening. I won’t because then someone who thinks I’m Satan for criticizing Billy Gardell might do them. […]

There’s a Place for Me

The Prompt: Tell us about a time when you felt out of place. A few quick anecdotes. When I started graduate school at Pitt in the School of Social Work, the other students in the Community Organizing track included about a half-dozen fresh from college folks in their early 20s. There was another half-dozen or […]

Why Ledcat Is Precious To Me

The Prompt: What do you love most about yourself? What do you love most about your favorite person? Are the two connected? About myself? Ha, that’s some interesting timing. This has been an intense week for me on multiple fronts and I’m not feeling much in the way of self-love. I tried all my tricks yesterday […]

Saturday Memory: Television Series “Family”

Family was a groundbreaking 60 minute drama that ran from 1976-1980 on ABC. The show centered around the Lawrence Family – Kate and Doug Lawrence and their three children – Nancy, Willie and Buddy who lived the quintessential middle class life in California. The show covered some daring topics – alcoholism, dementia, divorce/infidelity and even a […]

Five Ways to Help Someone Quit Beating Up On Themselves

The Prompt: If you could quit one bad habit instantly without difficulty, which would it be? Putting myself down. When you grow up in a fractured fairytale, you internalize a lot of negative messages that aren’t even necessarily about you – and when you are bullied and abused by your peers, it is worse. Not only […]