City Councilman Burgess Doesn’t Seem To Think LGBTQ Identity Reflects Diversity

City Councilman Ricky Burgess believes – nay, insists – that the next President of City Council be a person of color. And he’s willing to step up to the challenge.  Burgess notably the only member of that body who refuses to sign the Pridefest Proclamation because Pride is too “sexualized” has also historically  ignored the […]

CBS Program “Mike and Molly” Says F*ck You To LGBT Community

Last season, the hit CBS sitcom “Mike and Molly” went astray with two jokes about transgender women, specifically using the slur “shemale.” That very same weekend, a movie starring Melissa McCarthy used another slur, “tranny.” Trish provided some brilliant insight into exactly why these terms are slurs and not fodder for humor, especially on CBS […]

A Long Time Ago In a Graduate School Far, Far Away

The Prompt: Share a story about the furthest you’ve ever traveled from home. The furthest I’ve been distance wise has been Western Texas – it was part of a several week “road trip” we took in graduate school. That experience was almost surreal – being chased by a wild boar, riding in a row-boat across the […]

Pittsburgh Bloggers Night at OUTrageous Bingo Set For December 7

OUTrageous Bingo will celebrate 16 years of raising funds to support Pittsburgh’s LGBTQ Community Center (the GLCC) and Shepherd Wellness Community at their upcoming event on Saturday, December 7, 2013. And the bloggers will be there to help make a little history. We’ll have a table to play together and cheer on our very own […]

Five Things In My Fridge Right Now

The Prompt: Name five things inside your refrigerator right now and how you feel about them. I selected the first items I noticed when I opened the fridge. Hummus – I <3 hummus. I’d say we keep it in stock, but that’s not accurate – we eat it as fast as we bring it into the […]

Let’s Remember Teens Can Be Lonely at The Holidays, Too

When I worked for a foster care agency, it used to break my heart that the teens were often lost in the system. And as the person who organized the holiday projects, it fell to me to figure out how to solicit donations appropriate for their age group. This is not easy. Most programs are […]

Sometimes Irony Is Rewarding

A few weeks ago, I reached out to David Highfield from KDKA TV News to invite him to serve as a guest caller for OUTrageous Bingo. Last night, he took the stage. He was a hit! A few hours later, this happened:   See how that works? I invite a television journalist to bingo and […]

I’m All Out Of Ideas So NaBloPoMo Must Be Working

I was rather prolific last week – posted every day on my blog, crossposted on BlogHer, two pieces on Huffington Post and a few posts for clients. So today – I got nothing. I tried the prompts from NaBloPoMo, but it involved a lot of storytelling and I just couldn’t think of anything to say. […]

Saturday Memory: Electra Woman and Dyna Girl

Blast from the past a few weeks ago when General Hospital had Sabrina and her soon-to-be-stepdaughter Emma dress up as Electra Woman and Dyna Girl! This episodic program by the Krofft brothers aired in 1976 so I was 5 and thus have very hazy memories. In fact, for a long time I had this show […]

Two Women Who Restored My Faith in Humanity Yesterday

1.  State Representative Naomi Jakobbsen of Illinois left the bedside of her dying son to vote yet on “marriage equality” – a measure that passed with a cushion of one vote. Tragically, her son died before she could return to the hospital. How do you adequately say thank you to someone who would do this? For […]