SRRK in the USA – Hey!

The Prompt: If you had to switch your first name, what name would you choose and why? My full name is Susan Rebecca Rachel Kerr. I was named after my mother’s sister (Susan) and an alleged great-great grandmother (Rebecca.) Legend has it that my mother wanted to name me Rebecca Susan and call me Becky Sue. […]

Election Wrap Up

There are simply no words to describe how I feel to know that Bill Peduto is the Mayor-Elect of Pittsburgh. As a woman, a lesbian, a social worker and a person living with a disability  – I just can’t find the right words. Relief? Thankful? Even hopeful?   Other notable electoral news across the queerosphere […]

Sometimes, You Holiday In a Restaurant

Sometimes we celebrated Thanksgiving at home – just me, little brother and my parents. My Mum is not a great cook, but she pulled this meal off pretty well. Sometimes, we went to my aunt’s house a few miles away. That was more “special” but also strange because there were so many people and different […]

So, what will happen if an out athlete becomes an Olympic champion?

Via Buzzfeed Sochi is almost here. It has a very immediate impact on LGBTQ Pittsburgh – our beloved Evgeni Malkin is Russian and will play for Team Russia. His teammates, some of whom have spoken openly as allies, will play for Team USA. That’s nothing new. But they all have LGBTQ fans here in the US (and elsewhere.) […]

The Couch

The Prompt: Tell us about your writing space. Where do you write your blog posts? For the past 7 years, I have composed nearly all of my blog posts from the right side of our blue love seat using my 7+ year old Dell Inspiron Laptop. Occasionally, I’ve used a library computer or my phone. But this […]

Luke Spencer. No Apologies.

The Prompt: Who is your favourite character of all time? So this is tricky because “all time” means of all the time and I’m not good with commitment. I also have a penchant for disillusionment – am I alone in finding Little Women disappointing as an adult? I mean – the domestic goddess Meg scenes […]

Movie Review: The Hot Flashes

I’ve been waiting to see “The Hot Flashes” since summer when I read a recap/preview on the Bitch Media blog.  Brooke Shields, Darryl Hannah, Wanda Sykes, Camryn Manheim and Virginia Madsen …. playing basketball. And with the Bitch seal of approval, I knew it wasn’t going to be too schlocky. The setup is fairly conventional stuff – Beth’s […]

Raise Your Hands. Raise Your Hands High.

We often take our hands for granted, much in the same way those in authority take the diligence and support of the hands of the working folks for granted – like them, we assume our own hands will toil until they. simply. Don’t. Through the dustbowl Through the debt Grandma was a suffragette Blacklisted for […]

Saturday Memory: Margaret Hamilton on Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood

As most children of the 70’s in Pittsburgh are apt, I do love Mr. Rogers. My Mum describes how I would rush pell mell home from the busstop to watch him after kindergarten each day. I don’t really remember that (I was 4 and 5) but I do have a few vivid memories of the […]

Everyone Claims To Be Middle Class