

The Post-Gazette offers up what I find a disappointing (but better than most) piece on Archbishop Donald Wuerl's handling of the D.C. move to legalize marriage equality. A glaring omission is the lack of voice of a single gay person from Pittsburgh.  Quoting Casey and Doyle was interesting from a national perspective, but what about […]

Mini Merge! or Why Virginia can provide domestic partner benefits while Allegheny County can't.

Mini Merge! or Why Virginia can provide domestic partner benefits while Allegheny County can't.

Ah, another small step toward Pittsburgh's consolidation with the County. Virginia is a very hostile place to be gay. Still, they appear to be on the verge of offering domestic partner benefits to state employees.  Meanwhile back in Allegheny County, Chief Executive Dan Onorato … isn't the least bit concerned about it. I guess he's […]

New York, Catholic Church and North Versailles …

New York, Catholic Church and North Versailles …

I just haven't had a blogging frame of mind this week.  Things have been happening, though.  NY government voted “no” on marriage equality.  The Catholic Church says gays and transvestites will never enter the Kingdom of God. (h/t Pam's House Blend) In North Versailles, some jerk punched a Wal-Mart greeter in what is termed a […]

The Sakia Gunn Film Project and Pittsburgh

The Sakia Gunn Film Project and Pittsburgh

Last night, Ledcat and I attended the “People in Color” film series at the Kelly-Strayhorn Theater in East Liberty.  We caught my first performance by Dreams of Hope which was simply mindblowing.  They really are a bright spot in the local LGBTQ community.  We bought their educational DVD which we'll hopefully be able to review […]

Mike Lamb & John Weinstein dismissing LGBT employees needs

Mike Lamb & John Weinstein dismissing LGBT employees needs

This really angers me.  I have personally spoken with City Controller Michael Lamb, City Councilperson Bill Peduto and City Council President Doug Shields among others, ALL of whom have promised me that City County merger would not mean that City employees (or potential employees) lost benefits. The problem?  Well, the City of Pittsburgh, including most […]

Gay Bloggers close the gAyTM – should we follow suit here in Allegheny County?

Gay Bloggers close the gAyTM – should we follow suit here in Allegheny County?

Just caught “Don't Ask, Don't Give” on Pam's House Blend. The gays are getting pretty pissed off so they've “paused” donations to the party.  Direct donations to the campaign only.  Period.  More here at Ameriblog. Can you give examples of how the President and Democrats have not been fierce advocates for the civil rights of […]

The Good, The Bad and The Thing That Really Hurts

The Good, The Bad and The Thing That Really Hurts

It is not a good post-election day to be a progressive queer person.  A few bright spots, but being at my laptop at 4:15 in the AM is not a good sign for my overall state of mind.  Tom Michalow was not successful in his bid for County Council.  He fought a good fight and […]

It iS saTurDAY

It iS saTurDAY

So much to review and comment upon … the weeks just fly by these days.  I have become a devote of The Today Show.  I used to be an avid morning NPR listener, but one day I clicked on the television and Harry n Maggie won my heart.  I don't know why. Is it middle […]

LGBT Legislative Updates

LGBT Legislative Updates

Two quick items we mentioned last night on Sister ShOUT that are worth your attention. First, legislation introduced in the Senate to amend the Constitution of Pennsylvania so as to define marriage as only between a man and a woman, the so-called Marriage Protection Amendment, has some legs.  It is still in committee, but word […]

Working out the Sister ShOUT kinks

Last night, Ledcat and I met with our producer – David from Gay Life TV and OutOnline.com.  We made some slight adjustments to the show — launch time is now 7 PM, instead of 6:30 PM (make a note!).  He gave us some background into the foray into gay online television and we ran down […]