CBS “Mike & Molly” Uses Trans Slur on Most Recent Episode

The good news is that CBS is meeting with GLAAD to discuss the latest in their ongoing #fail when it comes to depicting LGBTQ characters on their network shows. The bad news is that its February 2013 and they are still working on this. That latest offense was a trans slur used during Monday’s Valentine’s […]

Are You Tougher Than a Boy Scout??

While the Boy Scout discrimination never ceases to amaze me, it seems they have a new partner is bigotry. The National Geographic Channel. The channel will air a new reality show called, you guessed it, “Are You Tougher Than a Boy Scout?”. Nat Geo reps say the cable network is an equal-opportunity employer and that […]

Post-Concussive Whatever

Let me assure you, this is not a joke. Here has been my final quarter – Oct/Nov: unnown wrist tendon ailment that requires an as of yet to be scheduled electrical impule nerve test delayed by other injuries and snow. The main day to day impact is that I wear an awkward splint that throws […]

The complexities of police/LGBTQ interactions in Pittsburgh

The complexities of police/LGBTQ interactions in Pittsburgh

Interactions between members of the LGBTQ community and the Pittsburgh Police can be fraught with complexity, whether it be a domestic call or sorting out the potential for what would be classified as a hate crime.  Let me state here that crimes based on sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression are not recognized as […]

The lesbians do some mingling/volunteering to support Bruce Kraus

The lesbians do some mingling/volunteering to support Bruce Kraus

Wednesday evening we had an unexpectedly amusing stint as the official coat check girls women at a fundraiser for Bruce Kraus' bid for a second term as City Councilor.  To be honest, the whole coat check thing scares me. I prefer to keep my coat close at hand in case a speedy retreat is in order. I […]

Gay Bashing in Pittsburgh – We Need a Liaison

Gay Bashing in Pittsburgh – We Need a Liaison

You may have heard by now of a recent incident where a local gay man was assaulted while waiting for a bus. The community responded with two rallies and a lot of discussion about interaction between the LGBT community and the police. This is an age old debate that requires self-examination on both sides and that […]

The Sakia Gunn Film Project and Pittsburgh

The Sakia Gunn Film Project and Pittsburgh

Last night, Ledcat and I attended the “People in Color” film series at the Kelly-Strayhorn Theater in East Liberty.  We caught my first performance by Dreams of Hope which was simply mindblowing.  They really are a bright spot in the local LGBTQ community.  We bought their educational DVD which we'll hopefully be able to review […]

PA Rep Darryl Metcalfe won’t help victims of domestic violence because of ties to homosexual agenda

PA Rep Darryl Metcalfe won’t help victims of domestic violence because of ties to homosexual agenda

File this under WTF? Our home brewed hatefest that is Western Pennsylvania's House Rep Darryl Metcalfe strikes a blow again, literally, for the kind of perverted family values that revictimize victims of domestic violence.  From the Keystone Progress Blog: A simple resolution to recognize October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month by the Pennsylvania House of […]

The AFA of PA responds to Iowa decision

The AFA of PA responds to Iowa decision

Ah, Diane Gramley is a wee bit upset that our midWestern cousins have determined that equality means true equality.  At least in terms of state approved marriage.  She's plays her strongest card to push for a marriage amendment in PA — Iowa overturning a DOMA law.  What she doesn't tell you is that, to my […]

Another Fine Letter to the Editor

Another Fine Letter to the Editor

Kathi Boyle, Executive Director of the Pittsburgh AIDS Task Force, wrote in to the Post-Gazette to underscore the importance of a comprehensive, realistic approach to sex ed. I agree completely with Stacie Murphy's March 29 Forum piece, “Quit Clowning Around,” regarding sex education for teens. Abstinence is a wonderful goal, but the reality of how […]